Chapter 33

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Ellie groaned as she woke up in time to watch Chris getting dressed to leave. "I don't want you to go."

He laughed, sitting back on the bed, "I know. But I have the next two days off. So I can spend it with you and the kids." He laughed again as she nodded, pouting. "I love you." He pulled her lips to his as he forced her to drop the blanket she was using to cover herself. She moaned as he ran a thumb softly over her nipple.

"You can't do that to me Chris."

He chuckled as he stood up, "of course I can. I'll be back by 6. Be ready by 7."

She knelt up on the bed, letting the blanket completely fall, "yes sir. And I love you too." He moaned softly as he eyed her body as he pulled her into another kiss, cupping her bottom before leaving the room.

After getting dressed Ellie found Jennifer playing with the kids in the living area. "Jennifer, I was thinking of taking the kids out to explore the city today. You can come with us or have the day to yourself if you want."

Jennifer stood up, smiling. "I'd love to have the day to explore the city myself if that's okay."

Ellie nodded, "yeah. Of course you can. Just be back by 5 so I have time to shower and get ready for my date with Chris."

"Sure. No problem."


Ellie herself barely made it back to the hotel with the kids by 5 finding Jennifer having already arrived. "Oh Jennifer. I'm glad you're here. Can you order yourself and the kids something to eat while I shower? They've been running around all day, so they'll probably sleep easy tonight." Jennifer just smiled and nodded as Ellie left them for her room she shared with Chris. She had just finished showering and doing her hair when she heard Chris enter the bedroom.

"Hello love." He looked at her in just a robe, "I hope that isn't what you're wearing. Or do I?"

She giggled as she approached him, "very funny Mr. Evans." She started breathing heavy at the intensity in his eyes as he undid her robe, sliding it slowly off her shoulders. He didn't break eye contact as he ran his fingers on either side of her neck and down her shoulders.

She started to lean forward to kiss him but he pulled away, "now, now. You have to wait love. I need to shower. Get dressed."

She giggled as she pulled a blue dress from the closet, "so bossy."

He winked at her from the door of the bathroom, fully naked, "you love it."

She put on a long blue a-line dress that was off the shoulders. She had just finished applying her makeup when she saw Chris step out of the bathroom in his towel. She moaned as she stood up to look at him. "How do I look?"

"You look beautiful love." He watched her go to put on her shield necklace but he stopped her. "Wait." She watched him pull a light blue box from his jacket, handing it to her.

Ellie shook her head, "Chris. I don't need anything."

"I know. I wanted to." He waited for her to open the box, displaying a silver necklace with a small heart pendant. Inside the heart was three little diamonds.

"Chris. It's beautiful. I don't know what to say."

He smiled as he grabbed the necklace, making her turn around as he placed it around her neck. When he finished, he kissed her shoulder, "there's three diamonds, one for me and one each for Maddy and Robbie. And just say thank you."

Ellie chuckled as she turned back to face him, grabbing him by his towel to pull him to her, "thank you. I love you."

"I love you. I'll be out in a few minutes." He kissed her on the cheek before turning around, dropping his towel to make sure she saw before she left the bedroom.


"Chris. This is amazing!" He booked them a table next to the window at the Eiffel tower. He smiled as he watched her look out over the city lit by lights.

"We haven't been out on a proper date in so long, and what's a better date than Paris?"

She chuckled and looked back at him. His gaze was full of love but she could tell he was still a bit guarded. "It's perfect Chris. Thank you. You don't need to spoil me so though."

He smirked as he poured her wine, "I know I don't have to. I want to though."

After dinner Chris took her to the observation deck. "This is perfect Chris." She started to shiver as Chris wrapped his jacket around her. "Chris." She put her arms around his neck to make sure he looked at her as he put his arms at her waist. "I'm sorry Chris. I've made you insecure about our relationship. I want you to know there's no one for me but you."

He rested his head on hers, "you have made me insecure. I'm sorry."

She groaned as she shook her head, "don't apologize, you don't have anything to apologize for. I love you so much."

"You're sure you don't want anyone else?"

Ellie brought her hands to his face, "one hundred percent."

Chris nodded, "okay. I'll stop asking." He turned her to look out on the city as he stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

After a while she turned around as she leaned on the banister. "Take me back to the hotel Chris." He nodded before pulling her into passionate kiss, tasting the wine on her tongue. She moaned as he kissed and sucked her neck and shoulder. She panted, "Chris. I need you."

He moaned as he grabbed her hand, leading her away. Chris groaned as they made it to the bottom, finding some paparazzi trying to get pictures of them together. He made Ellie put his jacket over her head as he guided her to a cab. "I just want to be able to take my wife out on a date without being bothered."

Ellie grabbed his hand, "think of it this way, there will always be pictures of our most significant moments." She smiled at Chris's laugh, "besides, I'm pretty sure they got some pictures of me out with the kids earlier."

He groaned again, "you made them wear their hats?"

"Yes. Of course I did. They like wearing them."

He rested his head on her shoulder, "I just want a normal life sometimes."

"I know babe. It's harder when you're in a bigger city."

He lifted his head to look at her, "I'll be back home in a few weeks. And then I'll be home through the new year."

Ellie smiled, "really?" Before he could say anything his phone rang, he looked to see Sebastian calling. "Are you going to talk to him? Maddy keeps asking to see him."

Chris nodded, sighing, "I will. When I get back. She can see him then."

"Okay." Ellie laid her head on his shoulder as he rested his head on hers.

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