Chapter 13

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Ellie wakes up in the morning before Chris for once. She watches him sleep for a while, his bare chest rising and falling. She starts to run her hand along his chest, running her fingers along the hair that inhabited it. She moves the blanket down slowly, her hand trailing down his chest to just above his cock. She moves her fingers to his muscular thighs. She feels his breath quicken as he grabs her hand, placing it on his hard cock. They don't say anything as she grabs his cock, stroking it. She hears him moan as he opens his eyes find hers. She moves to between his legs, taking his cock in her mouth. He brushes her hair out of the way, resting his hand on her head, moaning. "Get up here, I want you."

Ellie obliges, quickly removing her own clothing and straddling his cock. They both moan as she envelopes him. She starts her movements as his hands find her breasts. He grabs them firmly, squeezing as she grinds on him slowly; taking him to the tip and then down to the hilt, teasing him. She started to feel the hot ripples of pleasure, melting her from the inside. It was a pleasure that made her lose her vision as she started to lose control. He grabs her hands, their fingers interlocking, keeping her steady through the culmination of their orgasms together. As it ends for both of them, she collapses on the bed beside him. She laughs, "I think it gets better every time."

Chris turns to face her, his fingers softly circling around one of her nipples. "We need to get up and take showers. Probably not a good idea to show up to my mom's house smelling like sex."

She pulls him to her, "we smell like love." She moans as his tongue parts her lips, kissing her before standing up.


After they both shower Chris finds Ellie in the closet in just a bra and panties looking through her clothes. He had already gotten dressed, so he just leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed, watching her. He watches her long legs as she flutters around the closet, trying to decide. Her legs was one of the first things he noticed about her. He walks up behind her, putting his arms around her as his mouth finds the sensitive skin along her neck.

"Chris I need to get dressed. I just don't know what to wear."

He doesn't say anything as his hand moves quickly inside her underwear. He speaks softly in her ear, "I want to stay here" as his fingers fervently make their way inside her causing her to lose her balance, but Chris doesn't release her. "I have you." She feels his hardness pressed against her back as he focuses his attention on her. She leans back on him, trusting him to not let her go as her legs betray her as the waves gushed over her once more this morning. Chris holds her, lifting her up and placing her on the bed. He walks back into the closet, coming back a moment later and hands her a yellow dress with blue flowers that matched the blue shirt he wore. "Wear this one."

Ellie lays back on the bed trying to catch her breath, "hold on. I need a minute."

He leans down on the bed over her, "I love you." His kisses are soft as he kisses her lips before kissing her forehead. He holds out his hand, "come on love."

She accepts his hand to stand and puts on the dress he picked out. She pulls him to her by his belt, "what about you?"

Chris laughs, "later." He pulls her to him, brushing hair off her shoulder as he kisses it, "besides, why do you think I put you in a dress?"

"Mr. Evans, you think I'm going to have sex with you at your mom's house?"

He smirks, "oh you will. Come on." She laughs and shakes her head, following him out of the bedroom.


When they walk into his mom's house they are greeted by Dodger, Ellie more so. She bends down to pet him, "hey buddy! I missed you!"

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