Chapter 23

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Ellie hears her phone ring and shushes everyone in the house. She motions to her sister to turn on the tv as she answers her phone. "Chris, honey."

'How are you love? I'm about to arrive, so I should be on tv in a bit.'

"I just had Emily turn it on. I'm good. A few more weeks, I can't wait to get this baby out of me." She looks around to see Emily and Lisa laugh at her discomfort.

She hears Chris laugh through the phone, 'I know love. I'll be back home tomorrow. I got to go. I love you so much.'

She watches Chris arrive at the Oscars. It is his first public appearance since they got married. She could hear all the broken hearts as he stepped onto the red carpet with his wedding ring on his finger. She leaned towards the tv as he began his interview. The interviewer asked where she was.

'Well, my wife is at home, pregnant. She can't fly. She's due anytime now.' He held up his hand to display the silver wedding band with a wink to the camera.

Ellie giggled, knowing the wink was for her. She laughed at the shock on the interviewer's face as she stated that was a lot to unpack. She asked Chris about the wedding and if they knew the sex of the baby. And if Ellie was upset about him leaving her alone for the night.

'She's back home in Boston surrounded by family for her shower. She's well taken care of for the night. I'll be back home in Boston tomorrow. As for the wedding, we got married privately at home in front of friends and family on Christmas Eve. Lastly, we do know the sex of the baby, but you'll have to find out when everyone else does.' He pointed to the camera, winking again, 'Ellie, I love you.' He turned back to the interviewer, 'thank you.'

Ellie leaned back on the couch as she watched him being photographed before disappearing inside, "God he looks good."

Scott laughed as he turned off the tv, "you've broken a lot of hearts tonight Elizabeth Evans."

She held her hands up to him for him to help her off the couch as she laughed, "I know. I could hear them breaking as he announced he was officially off the market. All mine, forever."

"That he is love. Come on, presents. Everyone is waiting for you." He led her to the basement where they had set up the shower for her. A bunch of Chris' celebrity friends sent them stuff, including his Marvel co-stars. She opened up a box from Sebastian Stan to find a bunch of baby clothes along with a long sleeved black onesie. The left arm was silver with a red star and came with a matching silver tutu. On the front of the onesie it said 'Little Miss Winter Soldier.' Ellie laughed and placed the outfit on her stomach as Emily took a picture with her phone. She texted the picture to Sebastian and Chris.

Thank you Uncle Sebastian!
Can't wait to wear it!

She quickly became overwhelmed at the attention and love she was receiving from everyone. Even after all this time, she still sometimes found it hard to believe she deserved it. She stood up with the help of Scott as her phone dinged. She picked it up to see a messaged from Sebastian.

I can't wait to meet her.
I love you guys.

She decided to FaceTime him as she started to walk around. She had been sitting for too long. "Seb! I figured this would be easier."

He had a big smile on his face when he answered. 'Hey. That's cool. How are you feeling?'

Ellie groaned, "big."

Sebastian laughed. 'How much longer you got?'

"Um, about 2-3 weeks. Give or take. Depends on her I suppose."

'Well, you look beautiful doll, and I can't wait to meet her.'

"She can't wait to meet Uncle Sebastian too. Thanks for the clothes. I should go. We love you." She blew him a kiss, making him smile.

'I love you too. Later.'


Ellie fell asleep quickly after everybody left the party. Scott and Emily stuck around to help clean up and put some stuff away in the baby's room. She woke up when she heard her phone ring, but she heard Scott answer it and take it into the other room, trying to let her sleep. She laid her head back on the pillow as she heard someone enter the bedroom. She looked at the time and saw it was early the next morning. "Scott? What is it?"

She saw the look on concern on his face, scaring her. "Honey, it's Chris. I need you to remain calm and let me help you get dressed."

She nodded as she saw Emily enter the room behind him, "I'll help her, you go. We'll meet you there."

Ellie watched Scott rush out of the room, causing her heart to drop to her stomach. "Emily? What is it? You're scaring me." She let her sister help her get dressed as she put on her shoes. "Emily!"

Emily sighed and grabbed her hand, "Chris was in an accident on his way home from the airport. I need you to breathe and I will take you to him. Please. Scott went to get his mom and sisters. We're going to meet them at the hospital."

"What?!" How was she supposed to remain calm when her entire world was shattering around her? Ellie looked at her phone as Emily drove them to the hospital. It was just past 5 in the morning. She texted Sebastian.

Chris has been in an accident.
Can you come to Boston?

She knew it was early and he probably wasn't awake yet, but she wanted to try anyways. She turned her phone on silent and put it in her pocket. They quickly found Scott and Chris' family, "how's Chris? What happened? I need to see him." She felt her sister try to pull her towards a chair to sit down, "I'm fine! I need to see Chris!" She started to feel a pain in her stomach, forcing her to sit down as they fussed over her. "I'm fine. Can someone tell me what happened. Please."

Scott sits beside her and grabs her hand. "A car accident. We don't know that much. The cops said they were hit by a drunk driver."

"Oh god." Ellie lays her head back on the seat, trying to remain calm. She didn't want to go into early labor. She needed Chris to be okay. They sat for almost three hours and still weren't told anything. She felt her phone vibrate seeing Sebastian's name pop up as she pulled her phone out of her pocket. She answered it as she looked up to see him put his phone away.

"I didn't know where you were. I came as soon as I could. What happened?" She stood up slowly, letting him help her and wrapping her in a hug as the tears finally started to fall. "Hey, it's going to be okay doll." She stood there crying while she let someone else tell him what happened. Sebastian never had any siblings, so Chris was the closest he ever had to a brother. And he knew what Chris would want most at that moment was for Ellie and the baby to be okay. He pulled away, "you need to sit down doll."

As she went to sit down the doctor came to talk to them. "Chris hit his head, and he has a concussion. He hasn't woken up yet, so we don't know the full extent of any brain injuries until he does." She grabbed Sebastian's hand as the doctor continued continued, "he has a few broken ribs, but his injuries seem minor. We just have to wait for him to wake up."

Ellie clutched her stomach as she felt it tighten, pain radiating around to her back. Sebastian kept her steady as she squeezed his hand. "Can I see Chris?"

Emily grabbed her other hand, "you could be in labor, you should be seen by a doctor."

Ellie yanked her hand away from her sister as she looked at the doctor pleadingly, "I will get checked out as soon as I see Chris. Please."

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