Chapter 27

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Ellie came out of the bathroom of Sebastian's apartment to find him on the floor with Madeline. "Can you say Sebastian? Uncle Sebastian?"

Ellie laughed and sat on the floor next to him. "I appreciate you letting us hang out here while Chris does his interview. I enjoy being able to travel around with him. And I miss New York."

Sebastian looked at her, placing his hand on her leg, "you're always welcomed here. Especially if you bring Maddy. Now," he looked at baby Madeline, "when are you having more?"

She laughed, "well, I think Chris is going to ask for another one soon. I can see it in his eyes when plays with her. And I'd love to give him a boy."

Sebastian nudged her shoulder, a silly grin on his face, "as long as you name him Sebastian."

"Right." Ellie laughed and looked at Sebastian, "you know you can always come to Boston anytime. There's always room for you." She stood up, grabbing Madeline, "so, dating anyone?"

He stood up and shrugged, "it's hard." He pointed to her, "Chris lucked out. He had someone set him up. And it just happened to be the perfect person for him."

Ellie shook her head and sat on the couch as Sebastian sat next to her, "not that lucky. It was a hard start. We were apart for a year because I couldn't bring myself to let him in. I'm sure it is different though, yeah. Nobody knew who I was. It was easy to hide."

"Yeah, Chris told me some of what happened to you, between you."

Ellie looked down, "well, it made it hard to open up to him." She looked up at Sebastian, "I'm lucky to be surrounded by a different caliber of men now. And I'm thankful Madeline has men like you, and Chris, and Scott in her life."

"Well, I didn't grow up with any siblings. So I'm happy to call you my sister."

"Thanks Seb." She rested her head on his shoulder.

"Does it ever bother you? Since you aren't in the business. Does it bother you to see him in love scenes or kissing other women?"

"Um. Sometimes." She shrugged, "but I'm the one he comes home to every night. I look into those big blue eyes, and I know they're only for me."

She heard Sebastian chuckle, "that he does. I've seen how he looks at you."

"Yeah. I'm the lucky one." Madeline's face lit up when she saw Chris enter the apartment. Ellie grinned at him, "hi daddy."

Chris took Madeline from Ellie, giving her a dirty look, "you can't say it like that."

Ellie leaned forward, teasing him, "why not?" She watched him stare at her lips as she bit her lower lip. She laughed and leaned back.

Sebastian laughed at their interaction, "don't you guys ever get tired?"

Chris and Ellie looked at each other and then back at Sebastian, both speaking in unison, "no." Ellie stood up, "anyways, Sebastian wants to know when we're having more."

"I'm ready when you are love." Chris leaned down, kissing her on the forehead.

Ellie laughed and looked at Sebastian, "I told you."

Chris swayed back and forth, not taking his eyes off Madeline, "you guys want to go get something to eat?"

Ellie and Sebastian looked at each other and shrugged. "Sure."


They went to the diner Chris would take Ellie for breakfast when they started dating, finding a booth in the back. Ellie sat on the inside of the booth next to Chris watching him and Sebastian fawning over Madeline, as did anyone that walked by them.

Ellie leaned into Chris, "your laugh is my favorite sound in the world." Chris didn't say anything as he squeezed her leg. She looked from Madeline to Chris, "okay. Let's have another one Chris."

Chris looked at her, beaming, "really? You want to?"

She leaned over, cradling his cheek in her hand, "I do. I want a little Chris running around now."

Chris kissed her softly on the lips, "me too." Ellie leaned back as their food came and they ate dinner. She had already stopped getting her birth control the month before knowing full well that he wanted another kid soon.

"Are you guys flying with Madeline?"

Chris put Madeline in her high chair, giving her some food, "nah. I'm gonna drive back to Boston. It's only about 4 hours." He motioned to Madeline, "she'll probably sleep the whole way. Especially after spending all day with Uncle Sebastian."


Ellie leaned over to Chris driving, rubbing her hand on his leg. She watched the lights pass them by, shining in his gray blue eyes. She watched his hands on the steering wheel, wanting them on her. Chris noticed her looking at him, even in the dark he knew she was undressing him with her eyes. "You're staring love."

She started kissing him on his ear and neck, "I love you. I want you."

He placed his free hand on her back as she started undoing his pants while he drove. "Ellie, what are you doing?"

She smirked up at him, "shh. Don't wake Maddy." He moaned as he felt her take him in her mouth. He grabbed her hair as her head bobbed, distracting him. He pulled over to the side of the road. Chris pulled her mouth to his as she quickly removed her pants. He pushed his seat back quietly as she straddled him. He moaned and grabbed her hips, pulling her onto him as her tongue invaded his mouth. Her movements were quick and effective as they both moaned quietly in satisfaction before she went back to her own seat. She got redressed quickly as Chris watched her, "what?"

He grinned, shaking his head as he adjusted his seat, "I love you. What was that?"

She shrugged, "you said you wanted another baby. And besides, I can't help how fucking hot you are."

He laughed, "well, hey, I'm not complaining." He looked out the window as he started driving again. "I just thought you were on birth control." He looked at her, grabbing her hand, "or at least be able to wait until we got home."

Ellie laughed, "I can't ever wait. You should know that by now. Also, I stopped my birth control last month. I knew you wanted another one soon. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

She watched him bring her hand to his lips, kissing it, "don't be love. You were right. You know me well. I love you."

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