Chapter 13

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Jace was running. He couldn’t run fast enough to get to Clary in time. He knew something was off when the bloodsucker came for him. only a sentence ‘it´s Clary’ and Jace was off. He ran down the hallways and up the stairs before he reached her bedroom. He open the door fast and stopped abruptly. At the bed was a pale looking redhead. Her eyes was closed and her body still.

“Clary?” he asked as he approached her. He could feel it inside him that something was terrible wrong. He could see the stillness and that’s when he understood why she was still… she wasn´t breathing anymore. He sank down on his knees as a cry came from behind him. He saw Simon fell to the floor, tears in his eyes. Jace just sat there. Eyes on her still body and tears breaming at his eyes but never fell. Suddenly there was more people in the room, Alec, Izzy and Magnus. Alec was croching next to Jace, a hand on his shoulder, Izzy was sitting with Simon, tears running down her cheeks and Magnus, he was standing over Clary, multi colors peered out of his hands and abruptly stopped and some tears fell down his cheek.

Jace could feel his heart shatter. Even since they got her back he had been distance for her, they had spent one night together. Where he told her he loved her. he pulled himself closer to her and stroked her cheeks

“I love you Clary” he said as he kissed her cheeks. He flinched back. Her skin was cold and pale.

Simon was on his knees next to Clary´s bed. He was clutching her hand hard.

“ave atque vale Clarissa MorgensternAlec whispered

And that’s when the tears begun. The tears ran down Jace´s cheek as he saw Clary lying dead in the bed. he was guilty. He could have spent every time he had over with her. Instead he had left her here alone. Just because his pride was hurt. Because he couldn’t understand why she had done things like that. But then again, that wasn’t her. And now she was gone. He would never hear her laugh, see her emerald green eyes or see her beautiful red hair fly in the air. He would never kiss her again, never hold her in his arms and never tell her he loved her.  

“W-we need to… call the.. clave” Izzy sniffled as she was standing behind Simon, a supportive hand on his shoulder.

“I can do that…” Magnus said as he disappeared out of the door. Alec was hot on his hail. Tears glistering on his cheeks to. Simon was standing over Clary, he kissed her cheek and after that both he and Izzy leaved the room and Jace alone.

He looked deeply at her, like he was seeing her for the last time and actually he did see her for the last time. Soon the silent brothers would be here to burn her body.

The next day

Jace was walking out from the silent city, he was wearing light grey trousers and a white shirt. He had his black leather jacket over and sunglasses. The sun was shining brighter than for a long time. His heart ached after his missing piece. The piece that forever would belong to Clary. To his soul.

He looked up at the sun and smiled a sad smile while the tears ran down her cheeks. Izzy and Alec was at his sides to keep him from falling. He looked up at the sun and he could swear it was Clary who made the sund shine like that

I love you, Clary, forever he thought before they all went in to the portal and was back at the institute.

Clary was fine. She had no more pain. No more sickness. She would be with her mother, with Luke, With Jordan and all of their other friends and family who´s died. She would be okay.

But would he be?

The Dark War - The Mortal Instrument Fanfic Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz