Chapter 6

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 Jocelyn was standing in front of her full length mirror dressed in white mourning clothes. Tears streaked her face as she looked across the room and a familiar flannel shirt was lying across the bed. She sighed heavy and walked out the door of Amatis house. she stalked up to the Lightwoods house after being called there early this morning of Maryse. They were having a visitor the previously night and wanted to talk to Jocelyn. As she was standing across the door she could hear yelling inside. She knocked carefully on the door only to have the yelling stopped and Robert was showing in her doorway

“Jocelyn. Glad you could make it, come in” He said as she put a small smile on and walked in. Robert led the way to the family room where Isabell and Jace were already sitting. Jocelyn sat down in one of the armchairs while Robert walked out to retried Alec and Maryse from their rooms. There was a long silence before Robert, Maryse and Alec walked in all slumped against a chair across the coffee table. A long silence followed

“No offence… but if you aren´t going to talk to me I must be going..” Jocelyn said and was standing up

“Wait!” Maryse screamed “Clary was here last night” She said in a softer voice. Jocelyn sunk down in the chair again.

“C-clary was here?” she asked “Is she okay?” worry was clear in her voice

It was a silence that made Jocelyn body froze. Her daughter wasn´t okay. Of course she wasn’t! She was a goddamn endarkend!

“Not really…” Jace said and looked out the window on the opposite wall

“She came her last night. All bloodied and delivered a bloodier Magnus Bane” Maryse said.

Jocelyn gasped. “What happened to him?”

“You daughter happened to him” Robert said sternly “We have asked you here to informed that it is a price for you daughter and son´s heads” everyone in the room gasped at this. None of them had heard anything about a death sentence of Clary

“But…” Isabelle tried

“No buts! The clave had decided. Clarissa Fray Morgenstern and Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern are to kill at instant. They are dangerous. Most of you heard her, they are coming. Soon” Robert said and in that moment the alarm from the demon tower turned on. The streets was flashed with red and yellow; demons. All of the shadow hunters was up and dressed in gear in an instant. They joined each other on the way up to the ward. Alec and Jocelyn dragged Magnus up as Isabelle, Jace, Robert and Maryse was in the front. They were joined by other shadow hunters on their way up.

Sebastian was pacing. He was not one to be impatient but his sister took to long. They had bussnies to attend to and she was making them late

“Were is she?!” He yelled at Amatis. Just as Amatis was about to answer her master the clicking of the queens boots could be heard in the hallway. Suddenly the doubledoors to the throne roo was opened and the queen was standing there. Sebastian was looking at his sister. She was dressed in a mid-thigh lacy black dress with a bare back with just a sipper across her shoulderblades. The sleeves were lacy and ended around her elbow. She had black leather high heels and her hair was hanging loose. Sebastian looked at her. She was so damn sexy. He could forget that she made them late when she was looking this good. He took two long steps towards her and kissed her bloody red lips. Clary interlined her fingers in his hair. He took her waist in his hands and kissed her neck and slowly pulled back.

“You are late” he said.

“Really? I hadn´t notice” she answered sarcastic. Sebastian sighed.

He pulled Clary closer to him and hold her across her waist. With his other hand he turned the ring on his finger a half turn and suddenly they were standing in a club. Sebastian let go of Clary.

“Have fun little sister” he said as he kissed her mouth before he said before he disappeared to take care of his business.

The ward was full of people. All of them was dressed in gear and had weapon across their body. The ward was down and demons were coming in. Jace was fighting with a Raum demon. Its tentacles were following Jace´s every move. He had a seraph blade in both of his hand and was moving fast. He hit one of the tentacles with his blade and jumped backwards when the demon was throwing his only good tentacle against Jace chest. Jace pulled his sword out but was knocked to the ground before he could do any harm. The demon was on top of Jace its tentacle threatening to swallow him whole. Suddenly an agonized screamed came from the demon and it fall on top of Jace still.

Jace was crawling out of the demon prison and was met by Jocelyn´s eyes.

“You okay?” she asked

“Yeah” Jace answered and was running towards another demon.

Jocelyn was looking after Jace when he attacked another demon. That boy. That boy loved her daughter. She sighed when the thought of Clary came to mind. Her beautiful green eyes who hadn´t been green but black the last time she saw her. Still fresh in her memory she could see and hear everything after her son made Clary drink from the cup. Luke´s body on the floor. His blood was covered over her shirt and jeans. His eyes closed and Clary´s wicked grin. Jocelyn flinched. When she was brought up to reality again Jace was gone and in front of her was a Vetis demon.

Clary was dancing. The music was load and she was dancing with a hydra demon in human form. She swinged her hips to the music while she was drinking some red liquid. She was tipsy. The demon pulled her aside and kissed her neck. He backed her in to the wall and was lifting her up so her back was against the wall and her legs were across his torso. He kissed her neck and down to her collarbone. People around them didn´t seem to notice them. Clary´s hand was unbuttoning the demons light blue shirt and she thrown it off towards the dancefloor. The demon walked away with her still around his torso. They found a private area and they were kissing each other. Clary´s dress was thrown at the door and his pants were somewhere else. Her underwear and boots was suddenly besides her dress but her bra was in pieces. The demons boxer was off and hanging from the dim lamp. He sucked on her breast and posited her towards the cold wall and entered her. She screamed in pleasure as he was sucking on her neck. The demon came inside of her and he grunted towards her neck.

Sebastian was looking for his sister in the crowd of demons and downworlders. He couldn´t find her. He walked across the room and sat down at the bar. His eyes searching every corner after his queen. Suddenly he spotted her coming out from a janitor’s closet. She was swaying little when she walked and giggled to herself. Sebastian rose from his stool and was soon standing in front of her and scooped her up in his arms. She giggled and laid her red head on his shoulders and kissed him. Sebastian drew back. She tasted different. What had she been drinking?

Sebastian turned his ring and they were standing in her bedroom. He turned to walk away when she took his hand turned him around and kissed him passionately. The kiss was hard and drove him crazy, he kissed her and backed her towards the bed were they fell down and continue the make out session. 

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