“Of course Captain.” The blonde answered professionally and finally went back to help her crew.

Thirty minutes later they heard a knock and Lisa opened the door and took the cups out of Roseanne’s hands with a smirk “Thank you.” She said and handed the second cup to the other pilot her eyes never leaving the head of cabin.

Boston in wintertime was a thing in itself. It was a few minutes to four in the afternoon and the sun had already started setting, plunging the deep gorges made by skyscrapers into darkness, but stretches of untouched snow brightened the atmosphere. Streetlights illuminated the scenery giving the city an oddly serene appearance like stars twinkling on the white-clouded night sky.

Lisa landed the plane smoothly and the passengers left happily into the vastness of the airport. When the last one had disembarked, the pilots stepped out of the cockpit and scanned the plane, before the crew left for the day leaving a blonde and a brunette behind. Roseanne had been busy with
checking the duty free stock, noting the missing items and counting the money, and had waved off her colleagues who had offered to help.

“So…” Lisa stepped up to her and leaned against the parked trolleys.

“So…” Roseanne imitated her and grinned brightly.

“Still interested in a little lesson?” Upon seeing one eyebrow shooting up onto the blonde’s forehead she laughed out shortly. “Cockpit tour?”

“Oh, you wanna do that now?” Roseanne stood up from her crouched position.

“Why not? Unless you have to be somewhere?” Lisa’s face fell a little at the idea of Roseanne not having time.

“No I don’t. All yours.” She winked and Lisa felt a blush creeping up her neck upon Roseanne’s words.

She opened the cockpit door and held it for the blonde to step through, before Lisa gestured for Roseanne to sit down in the chair the pilot had occupied earlier.

“Wow. This is quite overwhelming.” Roseanne whistled appreciatively at the control board. “Stupid question, but do you know what all these switches and buttons do?” She asked interested.

“No, I usually go by trial and error.” Lisa deadpanned.

“I knew it was a stupid question. Well see, you’re talking to a trolley dolly…”

“What? No it was meant as a joke and what’s this bullshit about dissing your job? Jennie and Irene had already said things. I won’t stand for it.”

“Stand for…? Why would you? You’re not the poster child for LM Airline, are you?”

Lisa looked at her with wide eyes. ‘Damnit.’ She opened her mouth but Roseanne beat her to it.

“I mean you would tell me if the new owner had decided to use you for the advertisements, right?” Roseanne wouldn’t have been surprised if the pilot had confirmed her suspicion. She found her utterly

“Yeah. No it’s not like that. I meant it as in I wouldn’t accept any of you badmouthing yourselves.” Lisa explained with a soft smile.

“Ok.” Roseanne scrunched up her nose and shrugged at that. “You’re probably one in a million Lisa. You wanna know the difference between God and a pilot?” She paused for the effect and continued when Lisa grinned. “God doesn’t think he’s a pilot.”

“Nice. Thanks.”

“You're welcome." Roseanne smirked and gestured to the display in front of her. “Soooo... explain, plane yoda.”

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