73. Fighting Uncle White

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As the King saw the boy staying on his body like a little kid, he smiled lightly and rubbed the boy's soft hair, asking leisurely,

"How do you feel about your stay in the Wetlands over the past few days?"

Hearing that, Feng Xi started to give a vivid description of what had happened to him in the Wetlands with his eyes sparkling.

Of course, he skipped the part about being chased by the Sky Breaking Beast and only told the King about the moment he was proud of. Feng Xi's story sounded very breathtaking, which proved how great a storyteller he was.

The journey to the Wetlands was Feng Xi's first adventure, and he wanted to impress the King.

If Feng Xi accomplished his task in the Wetlands, he might give the King an impression of a brave and powerful boy', and maybe the King would let him go out freely in the future. Then Feng Xi could enjoy a free life in the outside world and wouldn't be watched closely by his leader and Uncle White.

Now he could only daydream about his beautiful future. In the reality, Feng Xi still needed to struggle to win his freedom.

The King had already known the boy's real intention when he saw the boy describing the story vigorously. However, the King didn't say anything and only stroked the boy's hair while sitting upright on the chair with a calm look on his face, in stark contrast to the boy who kept chattering.

As Feng Xi talked about how he had flattened a Demon Beast, he only felt more and more parched. However, the look on his face was even more excited than before.

The King, with his lips curled, picked a fruit from the plate which had been brought to him by the maid and gave the boy the fruit.

Seeing his leader giving him the thing he needed most, Feng Xi ate it without any hesitation. As the juice of the fruit flew through his throat, his thirst was finally quenched.

"That wood monster is so cunning and has hidden its branches in the ground to find a chance to attack me fiercely. Luckily I am swift enough to defeat it with one punch. It's such a pity that it is too ugly, otherwise, it can be another buddy of mine.

Feng Xi said it as if all was real and shook his head while sighing at the same time.

The punch Feng Xi had thrown was not the normal punch. When Feng Xi attacked the wood monster with Nine Rhyme Fists, the latter's face was beaten directly. Of course, it looked ugly then. However, because that was the first time Feng Xi had got into a fight with others, he was hurry-scurry at that time, but he wouldn't tell the King about that.

Through the icy mirror, the King had already known about all those things that happened on the boy's way to finding the Wind Fog Grass. Therefore, even if Feng Xi didn't say anything, the King was still clear of how the fight was like.

"Xi." The King opened his eyes and called Feng Xi's name all of a sudden.

"Huh?" There was only a fruit pit in Feng Xi's hand and he wanted to throw it over his shoulders. However, hearing the King's voice, he felt both scared and guilty. Then he put the pit in the plate and looked at the King with a smile.

"Do not sign a contract with a Demon Beast so randomly from now on. Human spiritual energy is limited. Your current cultivation base only allows you to sign contracts with four Demon Beasts at most. If you don't get stronger, you can only sign one more Demon Beast, do you understand?" As the King saw the boy's action, he couldn't help but show a glimmer of a smile while uttering those serious words.

Hearing that, Feng Xi who tried to behave himself suddenly shouted in surprise, "Only one? What about the Mythical Beast I will run into in the future?"

Feng Xi never forgot that his leader had promised to find him a Mythical Beast. Now that he had already learned about the rarity of the Mythical Beast, he wanted to have one. Although there were lots of Demon Beast Eggs on the sacred altar, God of Books had told Feng Xi that there were no eggs of the Mythical Beast among them. Therefore, if Feng Xi wanted to sign a contract with a Mythical Beast, he had to ask his leader to help him catch one. As a result, Feng Xi had pinned his hopes of having a Mythical Beast totally on his leader. Nevertheless, it never occurred to him that the number of the Demon Beasts he could have was related to his spiritual energy.

"So you have to enhance your power. It requires a great amount of Spiritual Energy to sign a contract with a Demon Beast. Without enough Spiritual Energy, you are not able to sign a contract with the Demon Beast even if it comes to you by itself." The King showed a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

"I just enhanced my cultivation a few days ago, now I have to do it again?"

Feng Xi, with a reluctant look on his face, asked that. However, he was also not willing to give up the idea of having a Mythical Beast.

"If you don't want to be trampled by others, the only thing you can do is becoming more powerful." The King paused and then said, "You can rely on your companions for sure, but do not let it become your habit, because most of the time that habit will become a fatal weakness of yours."

"I see." Feng Xi shrugged helplessly.

He understood that well since he had experienced a lot in his previous life. However, recently he had been living at ease and almost forgot how cruel the world was. The Three Worlds was even more strange than the Green Feather Kingdom where Feng Xi had lived because everyone in the Three Worlds believed firmly that only the strong could survive.

"Tomorrow you'll take the second test of the assessment. The Union would test your fighting capacity and experience. You are not allowed to bring your Demon Beasts with you, so you have to win the match all by yourself. It will be of no good to your future if I help you pass the test. So I'd like you to gain others' recognition by your strength!"

That was the true principle of this world.

The King didn't mind if he had grown a flower in the greenhouse. However, he also hoped that this boy was able to protect himself. Thus the King always forced the boy to do something he didn't want to.

"So?" Feng Xi scratched his head, feeling that the King's words had more meaning.

"I'll let Uncle White come in. You'll fight him and then I'll be clear about your fighting capacity!"

"..." It was the first time that Feng Xi felt his leader's soft voice sounding like a demon's whisper which straightly struck his head.

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