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On Friday Hana felt much better for all the crying and overthinking knocked her out early on in the evening

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On Friday Hana felt much better for all the crying and overthinking knocked her out early on in the evening. However, that still didn't mean she forgot about all that happened. In fact, she knew it would take a miracle to make her let go.

''Come on, you need to eat something.'' She nodded to Hyunki and looking down at her plate she sighed.

She didn't feel like eating at all.

The three friends around the table looked at Hana in concern. They knew she wasn't doing well, the breakup really got to her.

''How about we hang out today after our study session?'' suggested Yerim, looking at her friends hopefully.

The two guys nodded immediately, but Hana only looked at her friend in silence, shrugging.

''I don't know...'' she muttered, not in the mood to hang out.

She loved her friends and spending time with them but lately, she simply wanted to be left alone, letting herself drown in her own thoughts in peace. And she knew she would just ruin the mood for the rest of them.

''Hana please, it could raise your spirits a bit. Avoiding us won't make things any better for you,'' pleaded Jungkook quietly, leaning his arms on the table to get closer, looking at her intently.

Guilty, Hana looked up at him, biting her lip.

''I am not avoiding you guys...'' but she knew that was a lie. She was trying to avoid any kind of interaction lately and she knew it had to stop if she was to get better. Sighing, she nodded.

''Okay yeah, we can go.'' Yerim cheered and the two guys high-fived. Hana smiled softly seeing she made her friends happy. She could bear it for them. And for herself as well.

A sudden crash in the canteen made all the students, including the group of friends, quiet down, all of them looking at the commotion that was happening on the other side of the room.

Hana raised her eyebrow, noticing Taehyung in the middle of the students' attention, the chair behind him knocked over on the ground.

''Get fucking lost, I won't repeat myself,'' he growled at a guy standing in front of him, eyes full of fury. Hana swallowed dryly, the tense air in the canteen making her uneasy.

The guy looked like he was about to say something but reconsidering, he walked away with his head down. Taehyung ran his eyes over the canteen, glaring at anyone he caught staring.

Quickly looking away from him she looked back at her friends, the canteen getting noisy after a moment again.

''What a scary dude,'' shivered Jungkook, stuffing himself with a mouthful of french fries right after.

''No joke,'' whispered Yerim.

Hana sighed, leaning her cheek against her palm. Soon, however, she couldn't help but catch the sight of him from the corner of her eyes again. He was sitting in the corner of the room, his table occupied by no one else but him and Jimin. While Jimin seemed to chat away as he ate his food, Taehyung sat leaning back with his arms crossed on his chest, no sign of food in front of him. Just like all the other male students, he was wearing the dark gray uniform pants, however, with it, he usually wore his own hoodies or leather jackets, just like he did now.

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