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A week passed by, and the dreadful day came eventually

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A week passed by, and the dreadful day came eventually. The field trip.

Hana sighed as she leaned her head against Jungkook's shoulder, watching the students scurry around the school parking lot.

''I hate you guys for forcing me to do this...'' she muttered sleepily, watching Seokjin make his way on the other side of the yard towards his friends with his luggage, laughing as he fist-bumped with his best friends- Yoongi and Namjoon.

They were both lovely guys, just like Seokjin. Hana used to hang out with them a lot when her and Seokjin were together, they were fun to be around. She couldn't help but realize she missed them as well.

''You will thank us in the end, don't you worry,'' snickered Jungkook patting her head, making Hana hiss up at him with a glare.

''Hey, guys let's go! We're in the bus number three,'' Yerim appeared out of nowhere and dragged them towards the bus where Hyunki already stood talking to some of his other friends from the football team.

Once they sat down, Hana next to Yerim and Jungkook with Hyunki, Yerim immediately pulled out a bunch of packets with sweets, kneeling in her seat to offer the food to the two boys who were sitting behind them.

Hana did the same, placing her arms on top of the headrest and laid her head there, watching the rowdy students on the bus in silence.

They all seemed so excited about the three-day-long trip.

And as much as Hana didn't want to be there, she couldn't help but be a tad bit excited as well. They were visiting Gwangju, a city known for its history.

She didn't like learning history that much but seeing things for herself was something else and she greatly enjoyed it.

Running her eyes lazily around the bus full of teenagers, she couldn't help but stop her observation once she noticed Kim Taehyung sitting near the back of the bus, sleeping with earbuds plugged in and his head leaned against the window.

Watching him, Hana thought about the scene she witnessed one week ago.

Just like she promised, she didn't tell anyone. Not even her best friends. She wasn't one to spread drama and she also didn't want to be the reason for her classmate's and teacher's expulsion.

She scrunched up her nose, thinking how after that incident she started to notice the unusual relationship between the boy and their teacher.

They were little things she didn't notice till now, like the seductive looks the teacher threw the boy's way, or the fact that she seemed to help him out with his work way more than with other students.

Nonetheless, she tried not to regard these things too much as they caused shivers run up her spine every time she noticed them.

She looked away from the sleeping boy with a sigh, focusing back on her friends who were sharing snacks while laughing about something.

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