The hooded figure made a noise before taking a step forward. "Your life,"

"Seems that many people want my life," Xander said calmly and finally unsheathed his sword. "Go on. Give it a try,"

The hooded figure charged at him without a warning. 

Nathaniel followed the sound until he reached the gardens. There was no one there. Then suddenly, a cat jumped at him but he quickly dodged it. That was the thing he had been following. Then it hit him.

He was tricked.

The King was in danger. He rushed back anxiously but suddenly heard a different noise.  He went back to see what could be the possible danger.

When he reached the source of the sound, he saw two men tied and gagged. All their weapons were laid in front of them. He continued watching them in awe and shock.

If Sir Vilen finished this mission, he would be accepted by Lord Elest. Poisoning King Xander was his goal. So he had to trick him into thinking that he was about to kill him.

It was easy as he was trained to be the dark assassin. But dealing with this one was hard. The young man was not only blocking every attack of his sword but had not made any offensive attack on him. He had no time to waste as this might attract attention. He had to be quick before he could get into trouble.

Xander could not kill him, even if it meant risking his life. He had to know who he was. That was why his strategy was his tire him out by making him attack all the time. His opponent seemed old enough to get exhausted. But he was only getting stronger with every attack.

Xander had to think of something else. But he had no time to think as the person was constantly attacking him. While he got distracted, the attacker pushed him against the wall. In the chaos, he accidentally dropped his sword. However, the attacker did not take the chance to end him.

"I intended to never kill you. You fell for the trap, Xander. You are so gullible just like your father." The man said, smiling behind the mask.

Xander had enough of people talking about his father lately. He tried to push the attacker back, but he was too strong. The attacker pulled out a small pin and it was dipped in something Xander could not see.

"Farewell, boy." the attacker said calmly. "You fought well though,"

Xander finally found the voice familiar. He could never forget this voice and the reason why he was unable to recognize the man was because it had been so long. Too long.

"Sir Vilen?..."

There was no sign of Catheline's husband. She ran through all the hallways, surveying them carefully. Finally, she found them.

Xander was pinned to the wall but he did not do anything. Sir Vilen pulled out the pin meant to poison him. Wasting no time, she darted at him, raising her sword.

However, the man sensed the attack and quickly dodged it. Catheline stopped running and stood in front of Xander, shielding him from harm. She was right. He was more skilled than the others.

"Who are you?" He asked her.

Catheline did not speak. She simply looked at him, with sharp eyes. The man simply chuckled when he realized her nature.

"For a woman, you are not that bad," he said, gripping his sword in one hand tightly. "I will ask you one more time. Who are you?" He said again.

Again, Catheline did not say anything. She smiled at him, even if he could not see that.

The Lonely Warrior QueenWhere stories live. Discover now