"There is no way I can see so, Your Grace. Much of his army fled when he surrendered, and those that were captured seem genuinely distressed."

I nodded. "Very well, just keep an eye on the captives. I myself would like to get a look at them when the blasted maesters allow me to move again."

"Do you know when that may be, Your Grace?" Tywin asked.

I shook my head. "All the maesters have said is that my leg needs to heal further before I can even think of putting any weight on it. Even then, they said I may not be able to walk on it." A sullen move took over the room. "Anyway." I declared. "How may do we have captured?"

"The smallfolk have been freed Your Grace."
Answered Lord Stark. "We have maybe two hundred notable nobles, including Lord Tyrell, Ser Baelor Hightower, and Lady Brienne of Tarth."

"A Lady?" I feigned ignorance.

"She believes herself to be a warrior, Your Grace." The contempt was thick in the voice of the Lord Paramount of the West.

"It is my experience that some of the best warriors have been women." The Stark Lord said. Of course, the famous women warriors of House Mormont were the vassals of the Starks.

Lord Tywin snorted. "If you beg me leave Your Grace, I have matters to see to."

"Of course, Lord Tywin."

He bowed and departed the tent.

"I would like to see this Brienne of Tarth, my Lord, once I am able to move again."

"Yes, Your Grace."

I sighed and lent back. "What kind of King could I be if I can't even walk, let alone fight?" I spoke my thoughts aloud.

"Jaehaerys the Wise was always more inclined towards reading than fighting, Your Grace."

"Yes, but he had dragons, and he could still wield a sword if he needed to. I certainly don't have dragons, and I may not even be able to use a sword."

"Your Grace, perhaps the answer is to prevent the need to fight in the first place. Peace is always preferable to war. Now, forgive me, but I have a son to find." With that, he bowed and left to find Robb, who I assumed had been rescued by the Frey and Lannister forces. So caught up in my self-pity was I, that I had forgotten to even ask if he was safe.

I sighed, I was a mess, I needed to sort this out now before it brought my Kingship into question. I contemplated the words of Lord Stark and frowned. Only I knew that what was coming was not preventable. There was no way to make peace with the dead. War was inevitable.

Two weeks later saw me finally leaving my tent. It had been a struggle, but with the help of a cane, and the arm of Ser Barristan, I was able to stand out of bed and walk. In a strange way, I was thankful. I was aware it could have been far, far worse. If Ser Barristan had not been there, I would not have been able to make those small steps. Even though my leg roared in agony every time I moved it, I could walk. And for that, I would always be grateful.

I said as much to Ser Barristan as I stood for the first time in over three weeks. He simply nodded and said, "It is what I swore to do, Your Grace."

I breathed in the fresh air as I left tent. Most of the armies had left, after it became apparent we were not going to be attacked I gave them leave to do so. After all, it was the men here who were needed to tend to the crops and harvests back home. Robb had thanked me for rescuing him, even though I technically had nothing to do with it. I told him as much, but he refused to listen, before leaving with his father and the Northern troops to head back to the land of ice, the Tullys accompanying them. The Freys also left, I made sure to personally thank Ser Aenys, even though internally I was quite annoyed about the fact it had taken them so long to honour their oaths. It was best to not create more tension however, so I made them feel good and celebrated them leaving quietly. The Lannister army had left, but Tywin said he wished to accompany me back to King's Landing, no doubt plotting something. I had no reason to refuse him that request, the animosity between us having dissipated, so he was still here, waiting for me as I left the tent.

A Good King - A Joffrey Baratheon InsertWhere stories live. Discover now