For the first day, then, Star and Marco picked the Mardeegrah Dimension, with the approval of their friends. Despite the name, the dimension had nothing to do with the Earth celebration of Mardi-Gras; in the language of the dimension, it meant "everything you need to relax, in any way you want, in one dimension, for a reasonable price." The identical sounding names were simply a coincidence ... so far as Marco knew.

When the fire died down to embers, each couple retired to their tent. As Star crawled into hers and Marco's, Marco hesitated. They had shared a tent before, but, just as with sharing a bed, it no longer seemed appropriate, if it ever was. Making his decision, he pulled out the wond, but before he could cast the spell to make his own tent, Star leaned out of the existing tent and slapped the wond out of his hand. Marco stifled his "ow," holding his stinging hand, as Star cast Raspberry Ribbon Lassos, bodily pulling Marco and the wond into the tent. She whispered into his ear, "I get it, but there's respectful and then there's stupid. Only our friends are out there, and I guarantee Janna's told them what happened in the Abs Dimension."

Marco sighed. "Okay," he said, kissing Star on the cheek. Even though they had separate sleeping bags the prior times they shared a tent, Marco crawled in with Star without even thinking about doing otherwise, to Star's amusement. They cuddled up, and slept through the night, nightmare free.

Come morning, after a hot breakfast of pancakes, cornapple syrup, pig-goat bacon, and generous helpings of the local insect life that was attracted to the sweet treats, the teens parted ways to enjoy the day.

Which quickly went to shit.

— OoOoO — 2 — OoOoO — 2 — OoOoO —

Jackie and Chloe were having a blast crashing the waves in the Surf 'n' Turf region of the dimension, a combined surfing beach and skateboarding park. Jackie had chosen to start with surfing, as she still 'boarded almost everywhere, even after earning her California driver's license.

The waves were righteous. Any kind of wave a surfer might want was present; the being had only to pick the correct starting point along the beach to catch it. The pair had started with the kiddie wave pool to get a feel for the forms of the waves. Their primary concern was how the waves, and the surfing, behaved under gravity just barely different enough from Earth's that the teens could feel the difference while riding their blades.

Jackie and Chloe spent only about five minutes there, before moving on to the intermediate waves, skipping the beginners section. The two paddled out then dropped into a wave, the two about nine feet apart, with Jackie in the lead.

Although she was having fun, Jackie's mind was on other things; she couldn't help herself, both she and Chloe had felt bold that morning, and were wearing very revealing bikinis. It was proving to be a mistake ... or the best decision they could have made, depending on how Jackie looked at it.

Distracted by thinking about the water beading on all that exposed café-crème-colored skin, Jackie couldn't maintain her balance and performed a rather gnarly face-first wipeout. The water ... most of which Jackie thought went up her nose ... was pleasant, not too hot nor too cold. Chloe was an excellent surfer so didn't run into Jackie, bailing safely to make sure her girlfriend was okay. Once satisfied, and too far behind to remount the wave, Chloe pulled Jackie onto her surfboard. With Jackie's surfboard in tow, the teens paddled to shore.

As they pulled themselves from the water, Chloe asked, "Go again here, poser? Or would you like to move on to embarrassing yourself at the next level?"

Jackie didn't rise to the bait; she simply pulled Chloe into a passionate kiss. After a few seconds, she began sliding a hand under the back of Chloe's bikini bottoms. Chloe grabbed Jackie's hand, saying, quietly, "Merde! Stop that, someone will see!"

Star and Marco vs Evil Book 2Where stories live. Discover now