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Bob fell out of her dimensional portal, collapsing on the floor of her safe house. The portal closed automatically, and Bob lay, unmoving, for several minutes, as she fought to prevent herself from succumbing to shock. Finally, slowly and painfully, she dragged herself to her bed. Once on it, she enclosed it and herself in a security spell.

Bob had been injured before, but never so badly, and she was livid with herself over her amateurish mistake. She couldn't believe she was so stupid as to allow herself to be distracted by the boy, then mortally wounded by a nothing girl.

Situating herself on the bed, Bob prepared to cast the augmented battlefield healing spell. There was no guarantee the spell would work, but it was nonetheless unlikely to fail. The trick was that it would take longer to heal as she had to concentrate both on casting the spell and not dying. Then, with nobody to wake her, she had to emerge from the spell to cast the long-term healing spells. Those, too, would work more slowly, for the same reasons. There was a very real chance that she could sleep under the influence of the spells for a very long time, possibly even years. There was nothing she could do about that; survival was the most important thing. She was certain the plans she had put in motion on this and other Mewnis could continue under their own momentum, for some time.

Bob closed her eyes, concentrating, preparing for the pain of channeling dark magic through her dying body, then, with the purple veins in her Magic-Pips aglow, cast, "Cardigan Healing Cocoon." The purple strands of fabric enveloped her; she could feel the healing begin.

Bob's hatred burned and seethed as she slowly lost consciousness. How dare they interfere with my glorious purpose?! she thought. Still, she mused, the final gambit was merely delayed. When it came, this Star and Marco, above all others, would be made to gruesomely suffer for the affront, provided they still lived, as would all of this AU's Mewni. Under her ersatz bandages, a grim smile crossed Bob's face as she drifted into unconsciousness.

And so, Bob's infinite war paused...

Star and Marco vs Evil Book 2Where stories live. Discover now