(Earlier with Hawks)

Hawks had just finished his patrol and was now on his way back home when he caught sight of the Todoroki house. He stared at it for a minute before realizing he was subconsciously moving closer to it. He ended up at a window on the second floor. 

A window he knew well. 

The window led to Touya Todoroki's room. Hawks first and only friend at the time. The window was how he would get into Touya's room as his father, Endeavor, was strict and wouldn't allow Touya friends. That puzzled Hawks before he started to notice the bad burns on his friend's arms. 

Touya would always play it off telling him it was from his quirk, and sometimes it was, but that wasn't the only injury he'd seen Touya with. He quickly realized what was going on but he assumed it had stopped once Touya had died, losing a child is a soul crushing loss. 

One he guessed Endeavor wouldn't want to experience again. But now looking at the youngest Todoroki, bloodied and bruised laying on the floor of Touya's room, he knew it never stopped. Hawks quickly ran to Shoto's side, turning him over, noting all his wounds.

"Shoto..." Hawks was at a loss for words before noticing the increase in blood pooling around a wound on Shoto's stomach, "Come on we have to get you to a hospital!"

"NO!" Shoto shouted quickly regretting it as he winced his throat was sore, as Endeavor had choked him, "Please no hospital," Shoto said quieter.

Hawks stared at the kid in shock, realizing how much he must have gone through for this to be so normal for the teen. Deciding against the hospital, respecting Shoto's decision he carefully picked up the young Todoroki.

"Okay, we won't go to the hospital but I'm not letting you stay here."

Hawks carried Shoto out the window and flew him to the hero's apartment. He set him down on the couch, quickly snapping a photo for evidence and ran to get the medical kit. 

He dressed Shoto's wounds, being sure to stop the bleeding and clean them thoroughly before wrapping them. 

Shoto fell asleep soon after Hawks had finished cleaning him up. The hero stared at the teen for a minute recalling the adorable, happy child he used to be. 

A bittersweet smile appeared on his face. Shoto was always happy when Hawks came over, he'd want to spend time with his older brother and friend. Hawks could never say no to the small child and Touya, though he acted annoyed, was happy to have his little brother around. 

Hawks had met Natsuo and Fuyumi as well but not as often since they were separated from Touya and Shoto. The winged hero loved Shoto like a little brother but after Touya died he distanced himself. 

He could see now that that was a mistake. If he stuck around he could have noticed the abuse sooner and put a stop to it.

The next day

Shoto woke up in an unfamiliar place, memories from the night before rushed into his head. He was at Hawks apartment. 

Hawks knew about the abuse now. 

Anxiousness seemed to crawl on his skin like a million little spiders.

 He scratched at his arms before hissing in pain, remembering the injuries on his arms from the last training session. He slowly stood up only to see Hawks in the kitchen area. Hawks apartment wasn't super big but it was a decent size. It was pretty open as well, the counter being the only thing separating the kitchen and living room as well as the carpet turning to tile. Hawks noticed Shoto was awake, smiling widely at him.

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