Nobody's Diary Page 40

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Today I learned about some squids. Gin-fir they're called or so I'm told.

Purple squid monsters that lives in deep waters on almost every sea, even tho they prefer cold water.

Total Lovecraft shit I know, I wanna see one.

no way that shit exists! I told her when one of the maids said to me about them, apparently her father works as a fisherman and he often sees them in the distance when on work, a very respected profession in here may I add.

Well, he got caught by one of them and got his legs ripped out. Dreadful bussines, Feels bad.

My reaction may have been a bit out of line now that I think about it, hope she wasn't offended or I will lose my chances to bed her.

BUT, going back to the squid, they have like a big ass eye in the middle of the body, when it wants to eat, it opens up and shows a big mouth filled with razor sharp teeth's

Could it be the real eyes are somewhere else? I hve to investigate this.

Her father may never work again, sucks to be him.

My writing is getting a lot better also. Never payed as much attention in class as in here.

Im so exited to learn new things.

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