Chapter 21

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Hey, so I had a plan to take this to the end but I totally forgot it so I'm gonna wing it and do a time skip. Like a whole year skip. I might come back and change it. To be honest I messed up from the beginning like the way you are supposed to apply for a school but whatever. I also winged most of the story. Anyways without further ado, here you go!

Chapter 21


(Derek's POV)

One year later (high school)

It's weird going to school without Sky, I mean I made myself more friends and so did Mitch. He's even talking to that Malcolm guy who hated him. After winter break I have to wait until spring break to get freedom. That when Sky's birthday is. April 2nd. Now all of us are 15. Mitch was oldest, then me, then Sky.

Sky's dad, Riley, Mitch, and I were the only ones at her party. We went laser tagging and skydiving. Well almost, it was indoor skydiving. It was really fun, Sky's dad cried! We then went back to her house and had cake and ice cream. Eventually the group dispersed until it was only Mitch and Sky. I had to go home to do chores. I was coaching Mitch after I left over text. He was really nervous. He was all like "What do I do?! She's so pretty! What if I mess up? What if she rejects it?!" And I was all like "Dude, chill out. She won't reject it." And then he was all like "Are you sure?" Then I said "Yeah, hopefully." That made him worry all over again.

Anyways the end of the school year came and we graduated. We took photos and all. For the first two months of summer Mitch, Sky, and I hung out all the time. But the last month was different. Sky became distant, like she was trying to avoid us. I guess she did it so it would be easier for her to say goodbye. Though Mitch didn't take it too well. I don't blame him though. I mean he's been in love with her for seven years now.

You know I thought high school would be easier, but I have so much homework. Mitch keeps telling me that it's because I procrastinate but I'm pretty sure the teacher just hates me. I've talked to Sky to see how she's doing and she really likes the school. I tried to get her to talk to Mitch but she's too scared to. You'd think after you get a special gift for someone they'd be happy and want to talk to you. I really don't get girls. It also doesn't help that Mitch doesn't talk to her either, so I'm just like their messaging system and I don't like it. It's also really hard to see her during the school week because she has to take the train to school. Apparently she doesn't get back to town until around 6 o'clock. It takes her an hour to get to school. She's also very busy on the weekends because she goes to school on Saturdays so she can work on art.

"!" I hear a screechy voice say my name.

"Huh?" I look up to see Miss Margaret standing over me with a ruler in her right hand. She ain't too pretty. In fact she's quite old with a wrinkly face.

"I've been calling your name for five minutes now."

"Okay...?" I drag out.

"Do the math problem on the board!" She gestures to the long ass problem behind her. It says something about find 'x'.

I walk up to the board, circle 'x' and write found it next to the circle. She then pointed her ruler at me and told the class "There's an idiot at the end of this ruler." I got sent to the principals office for asking "Which end?"


Yo, filler chapter!

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