Chapter 2: The beginning

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Sun rays seeped in through the cracks in the window binders, hitting Nick in the face with the intensity of the heat. Beginning to wake up, the man rolled over to the untouched side of the bed, in a sad attempt to escape the light. It didn't work.

Nickolas slowly opened his eyes, and looked straight up at the white ceiling above. He then made a move to get up but was suddenly hit with a wave of memories and emotions from last night. He laid back down and slid his hands across his face, letting out a sigh of annoyance, remembering the mess he had made in his room.

He reluctantly tried sitting up a second time, this time with success, and looked around his room, expecting the worst but was taken aback when he saw that it had been cleaned and the broken T.V, along with the closet, had been taken out.

He guessed it was probably Harry, as no one else would dare enter his room without permission first.

As if on cue, the door suddenly opened and Nick's head snapped towards the sound, a glare already prominent on his face.

However the glare softened as soon as Harry's scent filled up the room along with... pancakes?

Harry walked in the room balancing a tray of blueberry pancakes with a side of orange juice. He was already dressed, wearing ripped black jeans along with a tight black shirt which showed off his defined muscles and abs. His curly dark brown hair shone in the sunlight, and his brown skin glowed.

"Look who's finally up.", he said with a smile, playfully rolling his eyes, as he walked over to the bed and carefully set down the tray next to Nick who was watching him intently.

"I feel like fucking shit.", Nick lowly let out, his deep morning voice heavy with sleep. He ran a hand through his locks, pushing the hair away from his face. He then looked down at the breakfast Harry had brought for him, then looked back up, right into Harry's eyes and gave a small smile, the corners of his lips slightly twitching.

"Thank you.", he uttered sincerely, then broke eye contact and looked back down at the food, picked up the fork and began eating.

Harry's heart began racing, and the man took a few breaths in order to keep it in check. He prayed to the Moon Goddess that Nick had not heard the increase of his heart rate, but the alpha was too engrossed in devouring the delicious pancakes.

Harry cleared his throat, causing Nick to pause from stuffing his face and to look up from the plate.

"What?", Nick asked, his voice muffled due the contents in his mouth.

"Uh, we need to be down in less than ten minutes.", Harry replied, scratching the back of his head. "You're a little late for training and everyone's asking questions since you're never late."

The alpha quickly swallowed the food in his mouth and stood up, abandoning the last piece of pancake left on the plate. 

"Fuck me.", he mumbled to himself and hurriedly got out of the bed.

"I wish.", Harry whispered under his breath so quietly, Nick didn't hear the words.

"What was that?", Nick asked as he walked towards his dresser where his phone lay.

"N-nothing.", he stammered, and mentally kicked himself on the shin for his misconduct. A light blush crept its way on his cheeks, adding color to his freckles. The beta took in a deep breath and straightened his posture, putting on his serious face.

Nickolas turn his head sideways to face Harry and cocked and eyebrow, confused by his weird behavior. Harry never stammered, and was always good with words. That was one of the many traits of the beta which the alpha respected.

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