Chapter 12

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I run down the stairs, making such a ruckus, that Adam, Hoss, and Pa all look over to see what's going on. Pa stands up and hurries across the big room towards the staircase. "Joe, what's wrong? She isn't worse is she? The doctor just left."

"Oh, nothing's wrong! Hannah and I want to tell you all something." I wave for them to follow me up the stairs.

All four of us walk up the stairs and into Hannah's room together. She's still sitting up in bed, a huge grin splitting her rosy pink cheeks. She waves to Pa, Adam, and Hoss.

"Now, what's this that you and Little Joe wanted to tell us?" Pa asks in an excited voice, crossing his arms over his chest. "Apparently it's something important, both of you sure seem excited."

"You tell them, Little Joe." She reaches up and touches my hand.

"Well, you see, Pa, Hannah and I, we're going to get married!"

"Married!" All three shout in unison. I look down at Hannah with a grimace on my face. She just gives me an encouraging smile and squeezes my hand.

"Yeah, married." I repeat, not knowing why I feel so jittery inside.

"Well, son, if this is what the two of you want," He says after what I've said has sunk in, "then I congratulate the both of you!"

He reaches out and shakes my hand. Then turning to Hannah, he sits on the edge of the bed beside her. He reaches out and takes both of her hands in his, leaning in close he kisses her on the cheek. "I've always wanted a daughter, and I'd be proud to have you as one. I couldn't be any happier. You're such a brave, sweet girl, that you'll make all of us Cartwrights proud to have you as family! I congratulate you Hannah, you'll make Joe a fine wife."

"Oh, thank you, Ben!" She throws her arms around his neck in a hug, almost crying again. "I was so worried you wouldn't approve! Especially since we barely know each other."

"Hannah, sometimes you don't have to know a person that long to know they're that special someone in your life who you find yourself not being able to live without." He tells her, wiping the tears off her cheeks.

"Thank you, thank you so much for understanding."

"Don't worry child, I understand." He stands up, and lays a hand on each of our shoulders. "I wish you both happiness and a long life together, whether it be here on the Ponderosa or elsewhere."

"Pa, don't worry, we don't planning on leaving the Ponderosa."

"Well, I'm glad to hear that." He looks at all of us, turning halfway around in order to see Adam and Hoss, where they stand at the end of the bed. "This calls for a celebration! I'll go get the sherry!

As soon as he's out the door, Adam and Hoss come swarming in to give us their congratulations. Hoss nearly rips my arm off while shaking my hand. "Little brother, ya did yourself a fine job findin' yourself this little filly."

"I've never been called a filly before, but I figure that's a real big compliment coming from you, Hoss!"

"Yes'um, I don't call just any pretty gal a filly, it takes a special kinda gal." He reaches out and shakes her hand. "I congratulate you, miz Hannah. If my little brother here gives you any trouble, you just tell me and I'll skin his orny hide for ya."

"Oh, don't worry, I will." She acts just as serious as Hoss but there's a playful look in her eye. "Just promise me you won't skin him too bad, I don't want to have to fix him up too much."

"I can promise you that, I'll skin him just enough and that's all." He winks at her, still talking in that same serious tone.

"Well, Hannah, you shouldn't have to get Hoss to skin Joe for awhile." Adam says, slapping me on the back. "He should behave himself at least for the first few months. I congratulate the both of you, and Hannah I'd be proud to have you as a sister."

"Thank you, Adam." Her smile is full of relief. He just smiles back at her and shakes the hand she reaches out to him.

Pa comes back into the room carrying the sherry and glasses on a tray. Sitting the tray on the desk, he pours a glass for everyone. Handing one to each of us, he lifts his in the air, "I propose a toast to the marriage of Joe and Hannah!"

"To Mr. and Mrs. Little Joe Cartwright." Adam chimes in lifting his glass.

"To miz Hannah and Little Joe." Hoss raises his glass.

Hannah and I lift our glasses, huge grins on our faces, eyes only for each other.

Mrs. Little Joe (Romancing the Ponderosa Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now