Chapter 3

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I must have dozed off for a little because I wake up with a start when Pa shakes my arm. At first I don't remember where I am but then Pa's words bring it all back to me, "Joseph, she's awake."

And sure enough she is. I lean forward resting my elbows on my knees and stare into clear, green eyes that look back quizzically at me. Pa lays his hand gently on her forehead checking to see how warm she is. "Is her fever gone, Pa?"

"Yes, I think so."

"Should I go get Adam?"

"No, not yet, we don't want to bombard her with too many faces at once."

"Can I please have some water?" Both of us turn back to the girl.

"Why, yes, of course." Pa pours her a small glass and gently lifting her head, holds it to her lips. She takes a few feeble sips before Pa stops her, "That's enough for now, we don't want you getting sick on us."

Laying her head back down she turns and looks at me again. Her eyes are a beautiful color of green that I've never seen before. They sure do look even prettier now that they're cleared from their feverish look.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asks in a quiet voice that sounds slightly angry.

I hear Pa chuckle quietly to himself before I answer, "Your eyes. I've never seen eyes that color before. I find them quite beautiful."

"Oh! I've never had anyone tell me they were beautiful before. Well, except for my Pa."

"I'm Joe Cartwright, but you can call me Little Joe." I smile and then point to Pa, "This is my Pa, Ben Cartwright."

Her head rolls in the direction of Pa and she gives him a small smile, which must have hurt because she grimaces afterwards. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Cartwright. But I'm really sorry you have to see me like this."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, too, miss. My sons and I are glad to be able to help you, so don't feel sorry." He chuckles. "Now that you're awake it would be nice to know your name. We've all been calling you, 'the girl' or 'that girl', and I feel you'll appreciate being called by your actual name instead."

She hesitates for a moment, looking back and forth between Pa and me, "My name's Hannah."

"Well, Hannah, welcome to the Ponderosa!"

"The...the Ponderosa?" She asks, her stammering words emphasized by wide eyes.

"Yes, the Ponderosa Ranch. I assume you've heard of it?"

"Heard of it? Who hasn't heard of it?" A small merry laugh comes out of her throat but then sobering quickly, she's serious again. "It's just your family's kindness is quite a shock to me, I've always been told the Cartwrights were unmerciful men who would shoot and kill anyone that dares to trespass onto their thousand mile acre spread. But apparently the people who told me this didn't truly know who you Cartwrights really were."

"We have shot and killed trespassers, but I wouldn't exactly say we're unmerciful. Most people who say that kinda thing about us either hate us or they're just jealous that we have something they don't. Anyways, who told ya that?" Leaning back in my chair, I cross my arms across my chest.

"Oh, just some people." She lowers her eyes.

Pa stands up and stretches his back. He carries the glass of water to the desk. Sitting it down, he picks up the clock and faces it towards the light. He puts it down, turning back to look at Hannah and I, "Well, since it's five in the morning, Little Joe and I will leave you alone to get some sleep. I'll be back later to clean your arms again and bring you up some food."

Mrs. Little Joe (Romancing the Ponderosa Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now