Chapter 8

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Adam rides up hard, like the devil himself is chasing him. I jump to my feet, hand near my gun just in case. He doesn't dismount, but let's his horse dance in front of me.

"Lunberg's posse is about two miles away from the ranch. Pa wants you and Hannah back at the house."

"Think there'll be trouble?" I ask as Hannah puts the basket into my hand and begins to fold the blanket.

"Oh, there'll be trouble alright! Lunberg's posse nearly tore Virginia City apart, they killed two men and destroyed the inside of the saloon." He reigns his horse in to make him stop moving so he can talk without shouting. "Roy is bringing three new deputies out with him to the ranch, they should already be there. Roy said when the posse left town they were drunk and mad as hell."

"Well, let's get going!" I swing the basket and blanket onto Cooch's back. I move to help Hannah onto her horse, but she's already in the saddle. I leap onto Cooch just as Hannah and Adam take off towards the house. I'm right behind them in seconds.

"What a way to spoil a romantic moment!" I mutter under my breath. Hannah's a little bit in front of me so I take advantage of the view and watch the way she moves in the saddle. It's like she's one with the horse, the way their movements blend together is spectacular! And to think she told me she just this morning she's only ridden a few times, yet she rides like an accomplished rider. Apparently she's just a natural, either that or she lied to me. But that thought doesn't sit right so I push it out of my mind. She wouldn't lie about something like that, especially when she's already told us so much.

I also like the fact that Hannah didn't show fear at the news that Adam brought, but that she just started to do what needed to be done in order to leave fast. I've known girls in the past who would have frozen up with fear at news like that. Not only freeze up on you, but you would have to lead them gently by the hand and speak softly to them or else they'd start screaming their pretty little heads off. But then, of course, Hannah knows Lunberg better than any of us, and she knows how far he'll probably go.

We're at the house in minutes and Pa comes out to us. Once we're all dismounted, he tells Adam and me to take the horses to the barn where Hoss is waiting for us. I grab Cooch's reins and Hannah's horses's. I follow Adam and Sport into the barn.

Inside the barn Hoss and one of the deputies sit with rifles across their laps. Hoss stands when he sees us, he takes Adam's horse and leads him to his stall.

"Joe, put those two in their stalls, I'll get to 'em in a minute." He calls to me over his shoulder. As I do what I'm told, he calls out to me, "Anyhow where you been, Little Joe? Adam and me have been home for nearly half an hour now."

"I took Hannah on a picnic up by the lake. It was Pa's idea, and Hannah wanted to, so I took her, is all." The stress of everything is causing me to get edgy so it comes out as a snap.

"Oh, and I take it was Pa's idea for you to get some kissing in, too." Adam sounds angry, so I look over. He's standing there with his hands on his hips.

"Now, don't you start too!" I yell pointing my finger at him. "You're probably just jealous that you weren't the one to kiss her first. I've seen the way you look at her when you think no one is watching!"

"I will admit that she's a pretty girl, but Joe, we barely know her. She could be just as bad as her step-father for all we know."

"Oh, I oughta!" I leap towards him, but Hoss grabs me before I can get close enough to Adam to hit him.

"Little Joe, now ya stop that, ya hear. That posse can be here any minute and the last thing we need is you and Adam fightin' over that little filly up at the house." He shoves me towards the barn door. "Now go see what Pa needs you to do."

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