"Hello, is this Marinette Dupain-Cheng?" A man asks.

Confused, she checks the number. She doesn't recognize it. "Umm. Yes. This is me. Can I ask who's calling?"

"My name is Michael Gilbert-Faun. I'm the CEO-director of World Wide Fashionista. My team and I saw your designs in Gabriel Agreste's latest fashion show and we were impressed."

"World Wide Fashionista?!" Marinette shouts, jumping up and down. "Oh! I've been following you guys for years! I have every single magazine you've put out. Wait, you saw my designs? Like for real?"

Michael laughs. "Yes, you're truly talented, Marinette. Mr. Agreste sent over your portfolio and called our team personally to give us front row tickets to his fashion show. We wanted to make our decision in person."

"Decision for what?"

"We have an excellent internship program at our New York offices, and we'd love to give you an opportunity to be an intern for a summer. You'd get a hands-on learning experience with some of the biggest fashion designers we represent." Her eyes widen as Michael continues. "You'd get to exclusively compete and design an original piece to be featured in our next magazine issue. If you win, you could go to any college in the world and most importantly you could start creating your own fashion line."

"I..." Marinette holds a hand over her mouth to cover the quiet sob. This was her dream, everything she ever wanted, and it wasn't impossible anymore. "I could do all of that?"

"Of course, Marinette. Mr. Agreste recommended you to us, said you were the best of the best for such a young talent, and well, he wasn't wrong. So, what do you say, Miss Dupain-Cheng? Do you accept?"

She turns and looks at her friends, laughing and having a good time. How can she leave everything behind? What about Ladybug? Who would protect Paris with Cat Noir? "Umm, how long did you say the internship would be?"

"If you choose to accept, you'll receive an email discussing your transportation situation—all paid for, of course—and you'd leave in two weeks and spend three months in New York interning with us. You'd also have room accommodations and can bring one parent with you, if desired."

Marinette leans against the wall with a sigh. This was the opportunity of a lifetime! Why wasn't she excited? Why wasn't she immediately saying yes and celebrating? "It sounds amazing, Mr. Gilbert-Faun. Can I have some time to think about it?"

"Absolutely, but I do warn you have two weeks to give us an answer," Michael explains. "If not, we'll have to move on to the next candidate, Marinette. I hope you choose wisely. Have a good day."

"You too. Bye." Marinette hangs up and tucks her phone in her back pocket.

Tikki flies out. "Congratulations, Marinette! This must be so exciting!" She pauses and stares, confused, at her holder's frown. "It is exciting, right? Because your face says otherwise."

"What should I do, Tikki? I can't just leave for three months! Paris needs Ladybug." Her eyes graze the floor as she crosses her arms. "But this is everything I've ever wanted. I'm finally getting recognized for my work. What if I turn this down and this never happens for me again?"

"I'm sure Mr. Agreste would give you another recommendation," The kwami reassures her. "It was really nice of him to call Michael."

She wipes under her eyes. "Yeah, I didn't think he was actually serious. Come on, Tikki. Let's go back to the party." She opens her purse and the red bug flies in and hides.

"Thank you for all the gifts," Adrien starts to tell his friends as he sets a mixtape from Nino aside. "There's food in the dining room if—"

"FOOD!" Everyone pushes through and run to eat.

Adrien strides over to Marinette, teasing playfully, "So, why are you being shy all of sudden?"

"Well, this gift is very special to me, and I just wanted you to open it alone. You know, so you could really appreciate it." Marinette hands him a green box. "Happy birthday, Adrien."

He glances over at his father's office before grabbing her hand. "Come on, I'll sneak you upstairs." They take off running up to his room, just barely missing his bodyguard. He's supposed to stay downstairs to 'entertain' his guests. Father's orders. "Now we can have a moment alone." He kisses her before sitting on the bed, her following suit. He tears off the wrapping paper and lifts the top lid, eyes widening as he holds a black and gray scarf with gold lining. "Woah, Mari. This is awesome!"

"Here, let me help." Marinette grabs the scarf and wraps it around his neck. "It matches your derby hat. Do you like it...?"

"I love it." Adrien smiles at her. "This must have taken forever to make."

She shrugs. "Not really. Just three weeks, all-nighters, and a mile of fabric I had to buy with my babysitting money because I kept messing up. I wanted it to be perfect."

He grabs her hand. "It is perfect, and I love you, too."

"Oh!" She blushes hard. "So, you got my video message this morning? I'm sorry! My dad can be so embarrassing—" She's interrupted with a kiss and laughs. "Wow, that was unexpected. Listen, I need to tell you something—"

The bedroom door opens and Nathalie walks in. "Adrien—"

"I know, I'm not supposed to be in here."

She shakes her head. "It's alright, Adrien. Your father would like to see you. He wants to give you your birthday present."

"Really?" Adrien's eyes widen in excitement. So, he didn't forget my birthday. He turns to Marinette. "I'll be right back, Mari."

Marinette stands up and points out the window. "I'll be out in the garden. I just need some fresh air."

Adrien nods and leaves with Nathalie.

As Marinette walks downstairs out to the garden, she loses herself in thought, conflicted on how to explain the internship for World Wide Fashionista to her perfect and hopefully understanding boyfriend. She didn't want to leave Adrien, her friends and family, or Paris for that matter. She also didn't want to give up on her dreams, either. She hoped Adrien would have the answer.

"Nice to see a friendly face."

Marinette turns to see Cat Noir standing behind her.

"Did you miss me?"

Under The Mask 🎭 (a Miraculous Ladybug Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now