Chapter One Hundred Four

Start from the beginning

I see Ash and the team eye our hands, but Dani still doesn't let go. I notice that she falters a little, but I give her hand a squeeze to boost her confidence, and I lead her to her desk. The Cap is waiting and her greets us before saying, "Ramirez, a word. Dani, the IT department called about your threat analysis program. Can you call them back please?"

"Yes sir. Were there problems?"

"I don't think so. They couldn't understand some coding or something. I don't really understand that talk."

She smiles slightly, "Yes sir. I'll get to it now."

"Thank you. Come and see me after you've settled?"

"Of course. Coffee?"

"Yes please. Captain Greggson is here too. He'll probably want coffee too."

She nods and snatches up her phone as we head to the Cap's office.

Captain Greggson gets straight to it, "It's all set up for Monday evening. You'll only have 3 hours to question all 3 of them, so you need to make it count."

"Will do, sir. We have permission to do whatever we need to to get a result?"

He eyes me closely, "Within reason, Ramirez. Don't ruin it all at the last lap. Have you thought of setting a trap for this Ivankov?"

"A trap?"

I'm not liking the sound of this. His next words confirm my suspicions.

"Yeah. Get word out that we have the witness and see if that makes him surface."

I bite back my initial response and take a deep breath before answering, "They know we have her. They know she didn't die, I'm sure of that. But if you're asking me to put Dani in danger; to deliberately put her within their reach, then I'm going to have to tell you no. I won't do that. I won't even put that suggestion across to her. You don't know what these people are capable of and I'm not going to risk them getting her again."

"I appreciate that, but I had to mention it. What happens if we can't get an answer out of these guys, Lieutenant?"

"I'll deal with that if or when it happens. I'll find another way if they aren't helpful. But I'm telling you now, I won't put that woman in any more danger. It's not going to happen on my watch, and don't think my men will do it either. None of them will be ok with putting her in harm's way."

"I understand. You better hope you get these guys to flip, or we've still got nothing."

"I'll make it work, trust me."

There's a knock on the door, ending the conversation. The Cap and I both know it's Dani, so nothing more is said about the case. She brings coffee for the three of us and while she sets the two Captains' coffees on the desk, she hands mine right to me. I smile and thank her in Russian.

She nods and whispers back in Russian, "Everything ok?"

I reply, "Yes ma'am. Just trying to sort out some kinks in a case. It'll all work out."

She nods again and leaves the room. Captain Greggson voices something we're all probably thinking, "She's different. She looks good."

I nod, "She's recovering well."

"No lasting effects after her surgeries or anything?"

Depends what his definition of that is. Not that I'm going to reveal any of that. I simply say, "It seems like everything is fine."

"Good. Well, I'll leave you to your work. Give me a call after you've been to Rikers."

"Yes sir, will do."

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