Chapter 1: Denial.

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(Third POV.)

Tom woke up, in the sunlight, of a new day, of course he already knew this, but existing was a pain to his ass. One person asks him why, well, they get a rant instead of an answer. He didn't want to live up to expectations but here we are with a fourty-six year old stuck in a thirty year old body. Because his 'father' ejected something in him years ago when he was twelve. The age he would run away and his appearance would start to change, but he already gotten so used to the state he was in, and so, he accepted it.

And well, It was his best choice he made because he wouldn't have been friends with Edd, Matt and.. 'Him.' That him was an asshole, and would betray everyone, including him. That 'him' would destroy everything, including the one thing that gave him comfort, his electric guitar susan. He had lost everything he thought, but no, he still had his friends with him.

And so, he just accepted that life would be a mystery everyday. With it's up's and down's he says, well, the advice works well, for a few years or few weeks, but somehow, the bad always comes for him, but, instead of being drunk everyday, he always put's his friends first instead of himself after an arguement proved that.

But no, let's go with Tom for now, He gets out of bed, and does the usual, using the bathroom, brushing his teeth, taking a warm bath, and changing clothes, but this time, it's not a usual hoodie, it's a gift from edd, while wearing his new clothes, he looks onto the mirror, to see again that demon that has been stuck in his head for thirty-six years. Yeah, what a timeline.

But of course, he puts it aside, and does a somewhat sane converstation.

"Hello lucifer." He says while doing his hair with gel, "Good morning.." He finished and goes to the couch and sitting down, taking a sip of water from his glass.

"Good morning evan." An annoyed face strucks after drinking water with tom as he opens his phone, "Didn't you promise you would stop calling me that dipshit." The demon rolled his eyes, "I know, I know, but I like the nickname," He replied, and Tom was of course annoyed still.

"Why that nickname. You know I hate that nickname since I.." He paused. He didn't like talking about when he ran away from his old household. Of course it was the time his sister passed away. His life broke after her death. "I know Thomas, I'm sorry for saying it. Again, I am a demon. You can't kill me." An annoyed face with Tom while rolling his eyes were so sarcastic.

"Of course you would say, damn." He stands up, and goes to the kitchen. Then, he grabs a pancake mix and some other ingredients, and an hour later, he had made two packs of pancakes and also a chocolate cake for Edd and Matt. And he grabbed one thing, maple syrup. He poured it onto the pancakes, grabbed the utensils, and started eating. While though, he also texted one man. Edd.

                                                  ~Coca-Cola Addict.~

-Heya Edd, you there? 

-Yeah Tom? And GM!

-GM too, and could we..

-Huh? Could we what?

-We have to talk.

-Oh Alright. I'll tell Matt I'll be back.

-Thanks Edd.

-No problem! Right. Talk to you later!

Tom placed down his phone to change his clothes once more. And went to his bedroom. Changing his clothes onto a sans like outfit, because, Edd apparently gave him a new jacket, it was like sans's jecket, which he appreciated.

And then, after he changed, he went on to grab the needs, the apartment key, the guitar, the phone, and his bag filled with needed items. And of course he's going to therapy after this. He had allowed himself to go to therapy. And now. He leaves his apartment, locking the room with the key. Not knowing what would happen while on his walk to the park.

(Location: walking alleyway to the park.)

Tom walked while earphones were plugged, he was on his way to the park when he spotted something weird. A purple corpse?

"Huh? What the hell?" Should I check? He thought, and maybe.. A sure would do. And so. He texted Edd.

                                                        ~Coca-Cola Addict.~

-Hey Edd. Not now. Sorry if I'm late though-

-Oh alright. I'll tell Matt.

-Edd I- Thanks.

-No problem!

Tom closed his phone and went onto where he saw the corpse. A chill to his spine went onto him. The corpse, which looked like it was still alive, terrified him. And just as he was about the leave, the corpse grabbed him.

"...Get the fuck away from me." He said. He was terrified and tried running away, but he couldn't. Terrified still at this, he couldn't say a word.

"..You look familiar." The corpse. It spoke, which terrified him more. He was hesitant to say anything, but he couldn't. Instead, he had no choice but to answer the corpse.

"...Yeah? Who?" The corpse looked at him onto the eyes, he stood still, still that he was still afraid. The terror went through his spine right after the corpse said this.

"..You look like my brother." He froze. The corpse. Was it his dead brother? No no no he thought, he was terrified and shocked. He hesitate to speak as the corpse got closer.

He then had the chance to run off. But, he stopped. He was still terrified the corpse knew him. He was afraid and denying that it was his dead brother who passed away.

"...Who the hell are you?" He spoke while terrified, and the corpse spoke.

"...My name? Right.. Micheal afton."

And that's when his whole world collapsed. It was Micheal. His brother. His dead brother. He couldn't move. Instead, a sob was letted out of his mouth. He cried out while the corpse watched him.

After he finally stopped. He was left in denial. He was afraid once more, and so, he carried the corpse more, and went onto his apartment. Locking it.

"...You know me?" The corpse- No, Micheal, asked him. A sad nod was with Tom.

"Yeah.. Sorry for the sad outburst." But the corpse was looking at him with a confused face.

"Then, who are you?" Tom turned around, and with a sigh, he had to say his full name.

"It's me, Evan Thompson Afton. Or.. Just.. Thomas Thompson Ridgewood."

(CLIFFHANGER. SO SORRY- RIGHT RIGHT. Now he revealed his name. Conflict, so much conflict will happen with this.)

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