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The Next day

I was in front of the club door by myself I don't know where Hikigaya is so I when in by myself when I open the door I could see Yukinoshita was sitting and reading her book when I enter greeted her and said.

Kazuto: "Good morning."

Yukinoshita: "Good morning, I never thought you will come again, are you stalking me?"

She said the last part in a slightly teasing tone.

Kazuto: "Yeah I'm stalking you Yukinoshita."

I said in my usual poker face and she blushed a bit at her joke backfire. I took the nearest chair and take a seat, taking out a book from my bag and started to read, after a few minutes I started to thought to myself

Kazuto: 'I could read a book silently or try to talk with her oh well I can be a little social'

I decided on the second option and started making small talk to Yukinoshita.

Kazuto: "Do you have any friends?"

Yukino: "Well let's start by defining what a friend is---"

I cut her off and raise my hand signaling her to stop

Kazuto: "Stop right there Yukinoshita that is one of the most famous lines a person with no friends will say. But why don't you have friends you seem like a person people would like to be with. so why is that?"

Yukino: "You won't understand it"

Kazuto: "Try me if I could I will understand"

Yukino: "I have always been cute."

Kazuto: "Hmm? Being popular has its side effects I understood what you meant by that."

Yukino: "Yes, I am surprised you will understand"

Kazuto: 'When she said things like that I feel like she isn't antisocial. it'because she was made antisocial by the people of this rotten society. Jealousy.'

Kazuto: 'Jealousy is a term that makes people angry at the person that is good or superior to them in something they aren't.They will try many things to bring he or she down its doesn't matter to them. They can't see someone better than them that is how loners are made like Hachiman, Yukinoshita, and me'

While Kazuto was doing a monologue
Yukinoshita was talking to him

Yukino: "Most boys who came near me came to like me"

Kazuto: "....."

Yukino: "Maybe it would have been nice if everyone came to like me"

Kazuto: "...."

Yukino: "When I was in elementary school my indoor shoes were hidden 60 times... Of those, 50 times were hidden by girls, as a result, I had to bring my indoor shoes and recorder home with me every day"

After she said this he snap out of his trance

Kazuto: "That sure will not be a good experience"

Yukino: "Yeah it is. That was because I'm cute but there's nothing I can do with it... No one's perfect they're weak and unsightly they grow jealous and try to kick each other down all too easily, strangely enough, the greater the man the more he suffers in life isn't that just wrong. That's why ill change it all...the people and this world"

Kazuto: "That's one hell of a goal you have there, but people will not change that fast whether you help them or not. Humans like to hide in their masks and try to be with other or higher-standing people to protect them or gain something in this cruel and heartless world we live in."

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