the funniest thing ever

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Well first of all did y'all hear about the Lee Min Ho and Surzy dating thing. I was crying when I found out. Like what the FUCK. My heart hurt but congrats. anyway yesterday this 7th grader elbowed me in the wasn't like an accidental oops sorry hit to the boob it was like I hate you and your titties type of hit. Plus he didn't say sorry. He lucky I am saved and didn't grab his hair and pull it out. I did do that to my friend I had to take my anger out someway. The sound I make when I grabbed his hair was inhuman. It was like ackkkkukshdgsijd.
Lastly my mother was like give me your phone tonight you don't need it. Hahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahaha woman please

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