let me tell y'all

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Let me tell you motherfuckers about this damn talent show. First of all everything was fine it was the ending thay got me. So all thought the talent show people were quiet. Well one of the reasons was mic stopped working and so I had to project my voice and everyone shut up.
So later on we were finishing the final performance or about to start and everyone kept talking. They wouldn't shut up so I asked them nicely to be quiet. And they did for 10 seconds. And then they were loud as hell. Then I proceeded to tell them to SHUT UP! After I yelled at them they shut up then. After about a min or two  they started the final performance and I was done.
  Today I got a headache from yelling and tomorrow u have to go to my final testing for high school. Wish me luck.

Also don't you hate it when you all up on Instagram and then someone  like all your post but they never follow you. Like n**** what you here for. Follow me or don't follow me if you're not going to follow me don't like my pictures if you are like me picture. Like this one bitch be trolling me she be like in all my pics and yet she don't follow me like a bitch does it hurt you that much to like my posts and follow me like is it that hard if it is please tell me. so I'm done I'm done.

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