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after i had got back home from dropping makenzie off, i told george i couldn't join back onto George's stream 1 because i just couldn't go back after what happened so i told him to just not bring it up again and to say that i was just busy and 2 i think the stream was only a 20 minute stream because he ended shortly after what happened because not even he could deal with what people were saying in his own chat.

just as i was going to sit back down at my desk i heard a knock.

"hey" nick said poking his head in

"you saw didn't you" i asked

"lets just say i suggest that you shouldn't go on twitter for a while and plus george has been spamming me to get you to answer him and that hes sorry this happened on his stream"

"why what are they saying about me"

"... a lot of things but.. um its not just you they are saying stuff about... people may or may not be saying some stuff about makenzie as well" i quickly looked at him and my worry and anger just went through the roof. this was my absolute biggest fear about any of this, someone i love being hated on all because of me

"no forget not going on the app i have to say something. its all my fault that this even happened. i wanted to have fun and have her pretend to be me as a joke and it backfired all because of me"

"its not your fault that people are idiots. but if your going to say anything just be careful" nick said walking back out to give me time to think


(1) many things happened today that i personally don't even know how to address but the only logical solution to this is for me to say something and explain this since it was all because of me in the first place. I want to start off by saying I in no way will allow people who watch and follow me to be sending hate to anyone I know or associate with at all. That includes people I know online AND people I know in real life
(2) i think people seem to forget that I have a life outside of YouTube and twitch and I'm trying my hardest to not go so deep while writing this but I need to say that yes there was someone else playing as me and my idea was to play a small joke with someone who was over at my house but it backfired on me
(3) the joke was to pretend to be me after George had asked me if I wanted to be on stream. George had no clue what was going on. They had only ever played Minecraft once before today and I convinced them to play again before the stream and we started fooling around before the stream
(4) I don't regret to say this but to everyone who is being a fucking asshole and going after someone all because they know me, get off my account and never come back. You are not welcome here if you are going to do that. Fuck you and it is sickening that i even have to say that stuff in the first place
(5) with that being said this does not just involve me, this involves people who I love close to my heart so we are all going to move on from this. I no longer want to bring any more attention to this and from now on I will not speak of this again.
thank you to everyone that has tried to respect my privacy and personal life ❤️
(Final Note) i forgot to mention that the person involved does not like to be in the public eye so do not and i repeat DO NOT try to do anything. they want nothing to do with people online so respect them and leave them out of it.


Hey just letting you know that
shes fine but we are going away for at
least a day with no phones because she
couldn't get off of twitter.

Hey thank you. I already said something to
try and stop the stuff or at least slow it down.
Take however long you need. If you need
me I'm here


these trips normally help me get away and relax but this one feels different. Trust me I am trying my hardest to get in the road trip type of mood but I just cant. My mind feels like its on never ending steroids and i feel exhausted but not, if that makes sense. Anyways since switching from Addi driving to me driving we have been on the road for in total about 7 hours - three hours with addi driving and 4 hours of me driving - and its pitch black outside other than the lights coming from the street lights, no other car in sight, and I'm pretty sure both addi and Soph are both passed out. I had turned down the music to let them sleep so it has been playing a very quiet Spotify playlist that I cant even control because I'm apparently banned from a phone this entire trip and the music is playing off of Soph phone that is strongly gripped with her hand in the passenger seat.

Now you might be wondering what we are doing 6 hours away from home driving in the pitch black. I'm wondering the same. Normally I have work the next morning or we normally feel fine after just driving around for a hour or so but now that I'm unemployed and have nothing better to do its not like any of us have to be home anytime soon and plus the whole point of this was to get away and I don't feel like I'm away just yet so why not keep going till we find something or until I feel normal again. Not sure if this is a good idea since I have no clue if I will ever feel normal again but screw that I'm going this because I can. Addi and Soph cant even be confused on why we are doing this because they were the ones that decided to do it in the first place.

"Do you want me to drive" said a sleepy Soph in the passenger seat

"What" I hadn't realized anyone was awake "no I'm fine"

"Not tired huh" I stayed silent as she asked that, not wanting to admit to anything

"okay then um did you at least like your food that we bought you" soph said trying to change the subject and lighten the mood

".. it was fine" soph looked at me knowing i was lying

"you never had it did you"

"i haven't been hungry. i don't need to eat if im not hungry"

"m. i love you and all but that doesn't mean that im going to just let you get down on yourself like this"

"I know and that's why i now know exactly where we are going" I just thought of the one place that i know all three of us have wanted to go to and also that i know it will stop this conversation right here right now.

i pull over to the side of the road and go into the glove compartment to grab my phone. soph looked confused

"don't worry im not going on it for social media. i just need directions"

The words "Starting route to New York City" went out of my phone speakers

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