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*an hour and a half later*

we were doing mad verse city (the rap battle one for anyone who hasn't played jackbox) everyone was quiet thinking when tommy starts bursting out laughing for no reason.

"what are you laughing at" will said

"number one trending on twitter #DreamHasACrush" tommy says still laughing his head off

"wait what" quackity says as he pulls up twitter to look

"what the fuck" i say

'i really need people to stop. this is going way further than it needs to be' i thought to myself

"guys i do not have a crush seriously i don't" i say in a serious tone to hint that i don't like people assuming. I started typing a message to sapnap and george.


dream team : ]

oh you just screwed this up. now you need to fix it.

we already said we were sorry

we will try to lower the attention

good now hurry up


"hey guys just chill with all the comments about dreams personal life" sapnap says

"yeah me and sapnap just made a mistake so lets just forget about it and move on" george said

i can tell everyone in the call got the hint that i told them to stop and fix this because they to all joined in and stop the attention.

after the games, everyone finished streaming. techno and will had already left the call

"hey guys im gonna head out its really late and i have collage tomorrow but before i go, hey dream im sorry about the whole crush situation. i wasn't meaning to bring it back into to conversation, it was just funny" tommy said

"its fine.. i guess.. plus it was already trending so whatever. i should be heading out to" i say

"night guys" i say as i leave the call

Unknown Number


hey clay its makenzie your mom gave me your number

oh yeah hey makenzie

makenzie <3
so um i my friends are coming over tomorrow night but i was wondering if you wanted to hang before that. its fine if your busy or if you don't want to.



i don't know what to do and even though i told the boys i was heading out, i didn't know what to do so i just called george and sapnap

They answered

"okay im going to talk to you guys and you are going to help me out" i said stressing out

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