Star Filled Tears

Start from the beginning

"What?" She asked pouting.

"Maddy, while it would be cool for you to dye your hair, there are two problems with that. One, your age and two, the color." At her hurt look I sat up and put my hands in her hair, pretending to examine it. "Now as an artist, I could imagine a few shades of green that could go well with your adorableness."

"Really?" She was practically bouncing with excitement.

"Whoa now, the first problem is still an issue. You're too young, Mom would blow a gasket if she woke up and you had green hair. Then who'd get in trouble? Me." I pointed to myself.

"But when can I dye my hair?" By now she had crossed her hands over her chest and was pouting like a champion. I was sure that if she went to Dad like that he would sneak her out the house and find the nearest CVS and buy the most expensive dye they had.

And I would still get blamed since I'm the only one in the house with dyed hiar.

"How about when you're 16?" That was still a long shot.

Her face scrunched up as she looked down at her fingers to count. Maddy looked back at me and frowned,"but that'll be how old I am!"

"Maddy eight years will fly by like nothing for your age."

She dropped onto her back and stared at the ceiling. I watched her for a few seconds before I started playing cooking mama again.

"I'm bored." Maddy sighed.

"Do you want to play with my hair again?" I tilted my head towards her without looking away from the screen.

"Uh-uh, can you tell me a story? It's almost time for bed!"

I stopped playing at the rare request, its easily been about ten times she has asked me for a story her entire life. So whenever she does ask I'm caught completely off guard. Which kind of sucks since she always insist that I make one up.

Before I could answer three heads peaked into our room and the excited shouting of: "Renee's gonna tell a story!"

Followed then by the bodies of said heads flying onto my bed nearly knocking Maddy, Mama and I off.

"You idiots! If you want a story that's not how you get one!" I shoved Dylan away from me because he was laughing the loudest. Taylor and Tyler stopped laughing when they heard my words and were trying to throw their practiced puppy eyes at me. I chose to act immune to it and crossed my arms over my chest. Though I made the mistake of glancing at Maddy, who looked super upset that she wasn't getting a story anymore.

I deflated like a balloon and placed my face on the blanket, raising a hand I waived my defeat and smiled into the covers at hearing them all cheer. When I sat back up everyone was laying down getting comfortable, besides Dylan who was just sitting cross legged. Seeing my attention on him he waved for me to start.

"Alright, uh, a long long time ago-" I began.

"In a galaxy far, far away." Dylan interrupted. I glared at him to shut up and he zipped his mouth in a joking manor.

"As I was saying, a long time ago, while the world was still being made, there were creatures who each had a task. But there were two who had nothing but each other, watching as the world they lived in become beautiful every passing day. Asalie and the Wolf. Asalie who was the daughter of the God and Goddess was loved by all and never lifted a hand because all the creatures wanted to serve her, much to her dismay. Filled with so much delight and awe she wanted to add to the beauty of the world her parents made."

"If shes the daughter of a Goddess then why doesn't she just tell everyone to leave her alone?" Tyler asked.

"Because she loved all the creatures and was too nice to say no to them. Now shut it and let me tell the story." I waited for him to say anything else, when he didn't I continued.

"The wolf scared all the creatures and was content in his loneliness. Each night when the world was at its darkest he would go out and hunt to fill his belly. One night Asalie got lost and ran into the wolf, instead of eating her he recognized the sadness in her eyes and they became close almost instantly."

"One night, when her moon wasn't full, the Goddess wept because no one could appreciate her magical domain of night. As an effort to comfort her the God gave his daughter the task of creating something special for the night. Finally being able to do something herself, Asalie thought of ways to brighten the night. She thought of his father and his sun, believing her mother would like something at night that reminded her of the God while he slept."

"And so Asalie made thousands of little embers that resembled her father's sun and began carefully knitting them into the sky. As her work went on and on Wolf missed their time together and came up with a plan where she would have to come and see him. While Asalie rested he stole her embers and ran off to his den. In his excitement he didn't watch where he was going and fell, spilling all her embers into the night sky, ruining her incomplete pattern she had worked so hard on."

"Stupid wolf.." Taylor mumbled.

"In his guilt he cryed to the full moon with great regret. But with the power of his breath the embers burned brighter than ever before, lighting the land below in brilliance. Awoken by both Wolf's howling and the light of her embers Asalie rushed to him and witnessed what he was doing. Wold begged for her forgivness and in her awe Asalie could not me angry, she could never truly be mad at him, but she pretended and told him that she'd only forgive him if Wolf agreed to howl every night and bring life to her creation."

"Wolf agreed and howled with joy every night as Asalie asked. She named the embers after herself: Stars."

"What? Her name was Asalie not stars!" Tyler yelled in confusion.

"Its another name for star monkey brains," Taylor told him.

He opened his mouth no doubt to call her a name back, before he could I came between the two. "Hush, Maddy is almost asleep." I pointed to her, all of us watching her struggle to stay awake. Taylor and Tyler gave me a kiss on each cheek and ran out the room. I looked over to Dylan and was surprised to see him looking at me like I was a wonder.

He shook his head and kissed me on the forehead before walking out the room, closing the door behind him.

I didn't say a word while I picked up Maddy and layed her down onto her bed, tucking her in snugly just the way she liked and giving her her own kiss on the forehead.

With the lights off and the house quiet I drifted off to sleep with a single thought floating around in my mind.

I love my family...


THANK YOU for reading!

I'm very excited to bring back Renee's adventures in wonderland!

The next Chapter will be in her point of view then the third one will be in Shane's

And as you know his chapters are short, but very juicy!


ps please check out Falling Light, its a super powered story I'm trying out.

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