chapter four

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The next morning I was up and out of the apartment before the green eyed brute rose from his slumber.

I took an elevator to the second floor and walked to the end of the corridor, Theo's apartment.

I rang the bell and waited patiently for someone to let me in.

The door opened and I came face to face with Hayden.

"Mornin' Kenzie." He gave me a bright grin, stepping aside to let me in.
"Good morning."
I brushed past him, into the apartment.

"Is Theo awake?"

"Not yet. I'm the only early bird in this apartment." Hayden chuckled.
"Can I get you some coffee?"
He walked towards the kitchen counter where there lay a jug of black coffee.

"No thanks." My eyes shifted, taking a look at the apartment.
Hayden and Carson had made it their own personal bro cave. A large flat screen t.v, a white leather sofa and a cabinet, full of video games
no doubt. It was modern and quite masculine.

"You like?" Hayden quirked an eyebrow.
"It's cool." I hummed.

There were three different bedrooms from what I could tell and another door that lay open.
Hmm they had a common bathroom—white sink and marble floors. Three guys, one bathroom.
What a nightmare, I smiled inwardly.

"Theo's room is the one on the right." Hayden pointed, noticing my eyes that wavered to the three doors.

"Thanks." I smiled, before making my way towards Theo's room.

I twisted the knob, barging in and shutting the door behind me.
It was pitch dark, even the blinds on the window drawn.
The room smelt strongly of cinnamon and a rich perfume, a heavenly musky smell that I could only describe as Theo's.

I felt around for the light switch, pressing three of them at once.
The room flooded with light.

Theo let out a loud groan, from where he lay under the crisp white covers.
A smile tugged up my lips.
I forgot I was mad at him last night, moving over and sitting on the edge of his bed.
"Theodore wakey wakey." I pulled at his sheets.

He let out another groan, stretching.
"Come on big guy, it's your first day at NYU." I tried to tickle his sides.

He opened his eyes, squinting at me.
"You're so annoying Kenz." His voice was thick with sleep.

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