13 - Yes, We're Friends...

Start from the beginning

“That makes no sense whatsoever,” I pointed out, sitting up as I gently sat her up as well, “Time to learn.” 

“Can’t I ditch? Just for today?” She whined, looking at me with a sad face. 

I raised an eyebrow, shaking my head, “I’m certain you’ve ditched many days in your history up until now, and although I know not much of this man, Adrian, he seems the type that will not tolerate any more of it.” 

She rolled her eyes, “Bleh. You suck.” 

I watched, slightly amused as she rolled off of the bed, falling to the ground and out of view before dramatically pushing herself up as she stomped off into the bathroom, slamming the door behind herself. Not too much later, the sound of water hitting the tub was audible, and I sighed as my stomach began to growl, signaling that I was indeed in need of nourishment. Flipping the covers from myself, I walked over towards the white mini-fridge, hesitantly kneeling down in front of it. Normally, I wouldn’t dare to even consider, but my stomach was arguably more in need of being filled then it’s been in years. It was as though my stomach had been satisfied for days at a time before, but now, it wanted something immediately. Pulling the door open, I gazed inside to see food; regular, people food. You had yogurt, sandwich meats, oranges, some condiments, bread of course, and other things like that. Taking a chance, I grabbed at an apple and examined it, feeling that it was cold in my hand, bright red and shinning. Sighing, I tilted my mask up and exhaled hot air onto it before rubbing it on my pants, causing the spot to shine even more; I had to make sure my food was presentable first. Focusing, I brought it to my mouth and took a bite, the sweet natural juices filling my mouth as the piece I had bit off fell onto my tongue. I made a face, I was sure of that, as the taste felt foreign to me, my senses unsure of how to handle it. It wasn’t entirely bad, but it wasn’t entirely good either. Deciding that it’d have to do until later tonight when Nadia and I would go for my next victim, I shut the fridge and continued to cautiously eat the apple as I sat back onto the mattress, munching away. The room was quiet, besides the sound of the shower going, that is, until something else hit my ear drum.  

“Jack’s a meanie,” she sang loudly from the bathroom, her voice so completely obnoxious, “He’s making me go to school when I really, really don’t want to. He doesn’t care about my happiness, he’d rather see me graduate than sleep. How entirely evil of himmmmmm!” 

I theoretically rolled my eyes, singing back to her loud enough for her to hear, “Nadia’s just upset that people actually care about her education, and if it wasn’t for Jack, she’d fail Pre-Med and be as idiotic as she was before.” 

“Jack’s a boring weirdo who has physical contact issues and is self-conscious about his body for no reason.” 

“Nadia should stay out of Jack’s business and learn how to not be so annoying.” 

“Jack should stop being so secretive and give Nadia piggy-back-rides more often!” 

I laughed a little, shaking my head as I dropped the singing, just yelling now, “Is that all you keep me around for?” 

“Actually,” she began, as the sound of the shower stopped,  “I don’t keep you around at all; you sort of just hang around all on your own.” 

I nodded, “The list is running short; I’ll be departing from you soon enough.” 

The bathroom door opened up as she came out, a pink towel wrapped around her body, her wet hair dripping at her shoulders as she leaned against the frame, “You will be?” 

I nodded, again, “Yes.” 

She looked thoughtful for a second, “You don’t have to leave if you don’t want. I mean, if you did, I’d be pretty lonely again.” 

What Lovely Kidneys You Have (An Eyeless Jack P.O.V & Romance)Where stories live. Discover now