Chapter Ten

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This will have to be the last update today. Except another on Wednesday :-)♥♥

Feel free to give feedbacks on the story. What you think is right, wrong, or just your personal views. No hate comments allowed :-)♥♥

Let's get down to it


Why is it so hard to act like you don't care when you do?


I jerk up immediately and turn to the caller. "The principal wants everyone in the auditorium. Now," the voice continues. Shawnel helps me up and I put on my shoes before heading out of the class with him. I see Noah walking towards the class and don't bother looking his way.

"What's up with you?" Shawnel asks as we walk down the stairs. "You've been... Inactive? Really sleepy..." he trails off and turns his head to me for a reply.

"I'm fine, Shawn. Just tired," I reply smugly with a smile I force to my lips.

He doesn't say anything the rest of the journey and we finally get to the noisy auditorium. We find a seat among our classmates and settle down. Noah comes in a few minutes later and sits on the only empty seat, beside Shawnel.

"As I was saying, we want to choose two perfect literature students to represent us in the regional, state, and international Inigo Literary Art Summit and competition. Of course, it has to be an SS2 student and someone who's really good at novels. Nominations, please!" he says excitedly like we've already won the trophy.

Uninterested, I slump on my seat and grab Shawnel's face towel and place it over my face, ready to dive into sleep. I can tell he looks at me but I don't want to explain anything further.




And it went on and on in that order of names. For a while, I thought they were afraid of calling my name for fear of what I might do to them. Honestly, I could do a lot. The last thing I need now is my name being called in that -


Oh shit!

I snatch the towel out of my face and shoot my eyes back to glare furiously at the caller. No one shows any signs of audacity until I feel a pair of eyes on me. Noah freaking nominated me. What game is he trying to play? He's a fuvking coward.

"Okay, I will place you in teams. Jennifer and Abim are in one team. Noah and Neto in another. We'll be holding practice to select our participants and whoever passes will be going to regionals to compete for national, international, and finally, the finals," he announces. "Any objections?" he asks, clapping his fingers together, still in excitement. It's provoking.

No one says anything. Everyone murmurs and I don't want to go for some stupid Inigo's competition.

"I do," I finally say and the entire auditorium goes silent. I stand up.

"Yes, Jennifer?"

"I can't," I say and walk out of the auditorium immediately. I run down the stairs and head back to class. The hostels are locked. I sit on Nonso's table and stare outside the window, trying to get my mind off the Inigo's. I can't.

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