Chapter Nine

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This chapter is dedicated to tamilore1009 Thanks for your message, as well as votes. More shout outs are coming in subsequent chapters :-)♥♥

Second, I want to thank all new readers of Crimson High and the sequel. If you appreciate this book, please spread the word. Tell a friend about it, bring it up in a conversation, let's get it out there:-)♥♥

Last, I really hope you enjoy the chapters and I'll try my best to update regularly. I'm thinking of 4 am on Wednesdays and 11 am on Saturdays. I'm not sure yet. Send in your suggestions :-)♥♥

Finally, let's get down to the chapter. My birthday is coming up and... :-)♥♥


I walk into the house, dumping my bag on the couch immediately and I let out a deep breath, staring at the ceiling. Lost in my thoughts, I don't realize Mum walks in.

"That breath is too deep for normalcy, don't you think?"

I look up at Mum as she leans against the wall with a slight smile. "I can tell it's because of her. Let me guess, it's not as easy as you thought it'd be?" she asks and I don't reply. I feel the couch dip as she sits beside me.

"It's... Damn hard," I say, not having enough words to explain how difficult and uneasy it feels inside. I guess the painful expression on my face should give a hint.

"I told you,"

"No, Mum. You said it'd be hard," I tell, turning to her. "It's more than hard. It's impossible to live like this. It's like she moved on already," I say, remembering her words in the ref. "I'm not living anymore... I'm just, surviving," I tell and rest my back on the sofa once more.

"I thought you moved on,"

"I thought so too," I reply, shaking my head. "I still feel jealous when she looks at him and - "


"Yeah, there's this new guy in school," I reply, rolling my eyes. "And she said they're "dating". Mum, how can they be dating? She's supposed to not move on!" I cry in desperation.

"You're not the judge of her," Mum says truthfully. "What if she's moved on? You need to move on too," Mum reasons and I sigh. I stare at her for a second before replying.

"You don't understand, Mum. I didn't know the heartbreak will feel... Like this. I thought it was over but every time I look at her, the memories rush back in. We had so much together. Now it's just... Nothing," I say, my voice fading into a whisper with every word and I wait for her response.

"You remind me of your father, a lot," Mum says with a smile, rubbing my hair playfully. I shrug.

"I don't even know who my father is anymore," I reply under my breath but she hears it anyway, given her curled lip.

"He loves you very much, Noah. As much as I do. Even if he's not biological," she explains and I sigh in somnolence. I'm exhausted already.

"And my biological? Where's he Mum? Probably somewhere, spending off your salary with a bunch of other women and you hardly do anything about - "

I don't finish my statement when I feel a stinging sensation on my right cheek. It's strikingly painful and makes my cheek burn. I turn to Mum angrily, wondering why she'd slap me over him... Over someone who never even gave our family a chance.

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