From The Mouths of Twihards

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JK Rowling has no original ideas at all. So you're saying an imaginary world filled with people who can cast magic spells and invent completely new ideas is not creative?

the books are also all depressing. Lots of good characters die, which isn't cool. If no good characters died, it would be boring and there would be no suspense. If you know a character can die at any moment you're more likely to be on the edge of your seat. (Plus, Twilight is as depressing as heck. Suicidal characters anyone?)

the scenarios in Stephenie Meyers Twilight series are more realistic and likely to happen. Alright. Sparkly vampires are going to stalk me and attempt to suck my blood. I totally buy that.  

In Harry potter, u would that that harry and harmonie would like...fall in love or something....and then u watch people die in freaky ways, and then there are creepy things....GAHH!!!  but yea. (: I can barely even understand this, apparently spell check broke or something? And don't bash something without knowing the facts first. Harry and Hermione don't get married or even have feelings for each other at all.

therees no love in hary potter I have one word for you: Snape.

all the Harry Potter books are like Harry being "My life sucks" I believe I recall Bella becoming suicidal and depressed in New Moon. All because her boyfriend dumped her.

Twilight was a best selling novel, and has a bigger fan base than Harry Potter. Fun fact: The least financially successful Harry Potter movie, (Prisoner of Azkaban), made more money than all Twilight movies combined. Plus, we have our own theme park.

bella is a role model (she teaches people to hold on to their friendships and stuff and keep their secrets) Let us return to the previous example of Bella jumping off a cliff due to a breakup. I don't know about you guys, but I wouldn't want my daughter looking up to someone like Bella.

the characters are not all good or all evil SNAPE. DUMBLEDORE. DRACO. NARCISSA. KREACHER. REGULUS. JAMES. DUDLEY. I COULD GO ON.

the cover of the books are drawn beautifully The cover is literally an apple in somebody's hands. And I'm pretty sure it's a photograph, not a drawing.

she replaces small simple words to long big words for people to be more educated not use simple words everyone can understand

twilight is read by a massive audience The Twilight audience consists of the following groups:

-Teenage girls

-Their boyfriends who were forced along to the theater

-Moms experiencing a midlife crisis

Bella goes to a regular high school, has regular subjects, and regular "friends" without magic powers. People can relate to that easily because, siriusly people, if we didn't get our Hogwarts letters already we're not gonna. Point number 1: WAS THAT AN UNINTENTIONAL REFERENCE??!?!?!?!?!!11?1111/!!1ERUJTH *face keyboard*

Point number 2: Even if you can't directly relate to the physical surroundings of the Harry Potter characters, you can relate to their thoughts and emotions. Also, not many people (at least not me personally) want to relate to the books we read. The point of reading is to escape the mundane existence that is real life.


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