The Goddess of Death, War and Hunting

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Brigid sighed but Lugh made a scrunched up face.  "Tell us what?" Lugh asked.

"Father, please don't," Brigid pleaded, tucking her lips in with sad eyes.

The Dagda frowned but Darrach watched as Lugh approached Brigid slowly with tense shoulders.  "Who broke yer heart, Brigid?" he asked.  "Was it Bres?"

Brigid made a frustrated sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose.  "Lugh, what the hell makes you think that I could ever love a man like Bres?"

"Ya married him, fer starters!" Lugh replied, throwing his hands up.

"That was to broker peace between the Fomorians and the Tuatha Dé Danann, you know that!"

"Then what caused it?  Was it the death of Ruadan?"

"No.  As...saddening as it was when my son was killed, he and I were...well...he was too much like his father."

Lugh frowned.  "Yeah, The God of Espionage and Spying.  Micah reminded me of him.  No offense."

Darrach smirked and looked at Brigid, who had gasped and gaped at Darrach.  "None taken," Brigid said absentmindedly before looking at Lugh.  "Lugh, I need to ask you something in private."

Lugh arched a brow.  "Uh, okay?"


Brigid grabbed his wrist and led him down the hallway, walking into an empty room and then opening it.  It was just a guest bedroom so there was nothing extravagant about it.

"Alright, what's this about?" Lugh asked as Brigid shut the door.

"I need to ask you something about Micah."


Brigid cleared her throat as she looked at her twin flame.  "Did you ever meet him?"

"Once, at a-"

"Bar," they both said.

"How did ya know that?" Lugh asked.

"Um...I think Darrach gave me a prophetic dream while I was...uh, asleep in the infirmary."

"Oh.  And ya saw what he did?"

"No, but in my dream, you told me about it."

"Oh.  Huh."  Lugh nodded while tapping his lips.  "Was anything else discussed?"

"Nothing important," Brigid murmured, looking at her fingers.

Lugh raised a brow before smirking.  "Liar," he said calmly.

Brigid narrowed her eyes at him.  "Did you just call your queen a liar?"

"Yes," he chuckled.  "Yer good at lying...when ya wantah lie.  Now what else was the dream about?"

"None of your concern," Brigid replied sharply before turning towards the door.

As she was about to open it, Lugh put his palm on the door, looking at a surprised Brigid.  "Brigid..." he frowned.  "Can we about us fer a minute?"

Brigid raised a brow, smirking up at Lugh.  "I thought you washed your hands of me?"

With a bright smile, Lugh gave her a playful look in his eyes.  "Ya actually thought I was serious?  C'mon, ya know me better than that," he laughed.

Brigid's smirk grew bigger.  "Alright, I'll take it.  After all, you are the expert in not being serious."

A groan escaped Lugh and he bowed his head.  "Fer Gods' sake," he sighed before gazing at her.  "I'm being serious now."

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