Part Thirteen: In His Arms

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"(Y/N)!" Gage screamed but he didn't move, he couldn't. "COME ON!"
It wasn't that your weren't awake, you were, but something just clicked in your brain. Your body just stopped as did all your thoughts. Maybe it was death catching up on you, maybe you couldn't cheat death like you thought you could.
"Gage, what it happening over there?" Newt exclaimed as no one was giving him answers that he wanted to hear. Not like the kid had any anyway.
"I don't know what to do!" Gage told them, not mentioning you yet. He couldn't help you if the berg crashed anyway. "Please (y/n), get up!" The little boy yelled and you could practically hear the tears that streamed down his cheeks. The kid was scared, but not like you had seen him in the past. This was a whole other type of scared that you couldn't figure out yet. Nor did you want to. All you cared about was getting up. If not for yourself then for him.
If that wasn't enough, then you thought of Newt. Of being in his warm arms and him holding you tight. All you wanted was him, you wanted the boy you loved and you wanted to hear him say the words he couldn't before. He is what keeps you going, he was always there for you and is right now. You knew Newt was always on your side, you just needed to want him bad enough to get up. And you did.
You wanted him so badly that all the mental pain that flashed through your brain, all the horrible memories, you pushed them away. All you could see was his beautiful brown eyes and his smile. That reassuring smile, that's all you needed, a smile from him. The smile that kept you going in the worst of times. If you didn't get up, you would hate yourself for it.
You grunted as you began lifting your body off of the ground. Leaning against the wall, you let it all out, all the flashing memories were gone. You closed the ramp and shakily walked into the cockpit. Gage looked back to you and you could see the relief flash over his face. He quickly got up for you and you sat back in front of the wheel. Picking up the radio, you began to speak.
"Someone gonna tell me what to do or what?" You asked and you could hear the sighs of relief in the background.
"From now on..." Newt began, but it seemed that someone had taken the radio away from him.
"STOP BEING A DUMB SHANK AND DONT PULL A (Y/N)!" That was Minho, you didn't need to see who said it to know.
"Got a little caught up." You told them calmly, as if nothing had happened. You looked over to Gage who was shaking. This was it. No more being scared.
"Alright hermana, here's what you have to do."

It was still morning, but you had been flying for at least an hour. Gage was asleep and you were jealous, you wanted to sleep but your running mind kept you from it. Even when you did sleep earlier, it wasn't exactly a sleep, more like resting your eyes for a couple minutes.
You had been using the radio to talk to Newt on the other end. He always made sure that you responded when he talked, maybe he thought that if you didn't then you might be dead. You felt great on the contrary, like none of the past two days had happen. That's weird, right? Shouldn't you be aching and in pain?
"Newt, give that to me and go get something to eat." A young voice instructed but Newt fought back. The person was persistent but so was Newt. He didn't want to leave. They continue the argument until you realised that it was time for you to intervene.
"Newt, go." You instructed and the fighting paused.
"No, go." You cut him off and then the other person stepped in again.
"It's okay, I'll stay until you come back. I'll alert you if anything happens." The boy told him and Newt paused.
"Fine." He agreed, but he didn't sound happy. "I'll be back, I promise." He assured but you knew he was going to come back.
"Now get lost blondie." You said and Newt laughed before he left. Now it was just the other person over the radio. "Now who am I speaking to?" You asked.
"Aris." The boy said and you smiled. You missed the kid, but then you remembered how you left him. You didn't tell him you were leaving and Brenda told you that he wasn't happy about that.
"Aris, I am so sorry about everything. I was going to leave you a note but I got so distracted. I wanted to tell you but then I know you would've wanted to come and..."
"Shut up (y/n)." Aris said and you were taken aback. "I'm not mad at you, never was. I mean, I was upset at first but I didn't loathe you for it."
"That doesn't make it okay." You told him but he seemed not to care much.
"It's in the past. How are you supposed to move on if your stuck in the past."
"I guess your right." You told him and he laughed.
"I am." He said, then took a long pause. "Newt missed you. We all did, but he was going crazy. By chance, were you at the docks when the boat took off?" He asked and you thought it was a weird question.
"Yeah, I was. Called out for him a couple times but he didn't hear me." You told him but Aris sighed.
"Damn, he was right." Aris said and that confused you.
"What are you talking about?" You asked in return.
"Well, Newt claimed he heard you calling his name but no one believed him. Thought the flare was getting at him cause no one else heard it." Aris informed and you were shocked. "If we had known then we would have gone back for you."
"I know, it's okay." You told him. "I get it, the flare was eating at his sanity, I would be skeptical of it too considering I seemed pretty dead."
"I still can't believe this." Aris laughed softly.
"Yeah, no one can." You agreed and then looked over to Gage sleeping in his little chair. Both you and him were going to have good lives now, there was no one in the way anymore. "I just want this to be over."
"I know, and it almost is." Aris assured and you took his word for it.

Newt was walking back to the radios where he left Aris. The boy was still there, laughing up a storm and Newt felt happy. For the first time since they got back from the Last City, he felt happy. He continued his way until he saw Teresa sitting alone by the cold coals of a once lit fire. She seemed to be doing nothing, just staring out into nothingness. He wanted to say that she was admiring the view but she wasn't.
He walked over to her and when she saw him, she got up, about to leave.
"You don't have to go, I was just coming over." Newt said and the girl paused, then sat back down while he stood in front of her.
"You think she hates me?" Teresa asked and Newt scoffed.
"(Y/n)? No, she's big on second chances." Newt told her but that didn't seem to ease her mind.
"She should hate me. I know Minho does." Teresa said.
"She won't, and Minho..." Newt started and then looked at Minho from across the beach. He was readying for your arrival. "Minho is a totally different matter entirely."
"You think I should have a second chance?" Teresa asked and Newt shrugged.
"I do." He said. "There is a difference between you and Janson. You chose the right side in the end."
Just before Teresa was going to say anything else, a loud voice boomed over the camp.
"BERG!" They called and Newt whipped his head out to the ocean and saw the black speck that made its way towards him. As it got closer, he could hear it too, the sounds of the propellers.
"Come on." Newt said, extending his hand to help her up. "Let's go greet her."
"She won't want to see me." Teresa tried but Newt took her hand.
"Man, you and Gally are the worst with this." Newt joked. "Yes, she does. She saved your life, the least you can do is be there when she lands."
Teresa hesitated, but Newt hoisted her up. From behind Newt, Thomas came up and looked at Teresa. The girl looked back at the brunette, not sure what it was that he was going to say. But he didn't say anything, just took her hand and lead her over to the area the berg was set to land. Newt followed shortly after, making it there before everyone else.
Newt stood in front, Minho slightly back to his right and Brenda a little behind him. Everyone crowded around but no one got too close. The berg had the landing gear out and gently found the sandy ground. The crowd covered their eyes as the wind blew up a small sandstorm. The propellers however, eased up until they stopped completely. Then, a hissing sound from the ship blew, that was followed by the ramp slowly lowering.
Newt took another step forward as he was now able to see you. The entire ramp was lowered and there you stood, tall and beautiful like he remembered you to be. Gage stood there, clutching your hand tightly in his with a massive smile on his face. The moment he saw everyone, he hid behind your leg. You were too focussed on Newt to even acknowledge him.
He was so handsome and his soft smile showed across his face. Seeing him brought you back to reality, a reality your body had been hiding from. Pain.
It radiated through your body, your legs felt numb and your whole body feeling bruised. It was like all the pain from the Last City up to now had built up and was waiting until you knew you were safe. Newt made you feel safe, so your body decided to let it all go.
Then, you went down.
You felt yourself falling but you didn't hit the ground. You found yourself in Newt's arms as he cradled you. You wanted to touch his cheek and kiss him, but you could barely find the strength to speak. You tried, but Newt quickly shushed you.
"Hey, it's okay love." He said with his reassuring smile, a single tear running down his cheek. "I've got you now. You don't have to be strong anymore."
"I'm tired." You finally mustered and he laughed, trying to hide his tears.
"I've got you (y/n), you can rest now." Newt told you, and you didn't hesitate to close your eyes.
You were safe now, you were in his arms. You didn't have to be strong anymore.
Now, you could be human.

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