Part Six: Old Foes

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"How do you expect to contact anyone from the Right Arm?" Gage asked as you trotted your way back to the fire. You already had a plan, though, whether it was a good one has yet to be seen. Unfortunately, thats always how your plans seem to be.
"Listen kid." You said, turning to Gage. "When we picked this spot out for the camp, there was only one concern. About an hours drive from here, there is a small WICKED base. If I can get in, steal their radios, and get back then we may be able to reach someone from the Safe Haven." You told him but he looked at you like you were crazy.
"You just got out of WICKED! Now you want to go back?"
"You sound a lot like Newt." You told him, thinking about when he was talking about getting into the city.
"Maybe cause we're both reasonable people." Gage told you and you rolled your eyes. "We both know how dangerous they could be."
"Yeah but with the Last City down, every other WICKED base is bound to crumble. I have to hit them now and get their radios before it's too late."
"Fine." Gage sighed in defeat. "When do we leave?"
"I leave as soon as possible, you have to stay here." You told him but Gage shook his head.
"No way, I can't let you do that alone!" Gage said and it warmed your heart to know how much the boy cared. He already expressed his fear of WICKED to you but he was willing to run right into WICKED to make sure you didn't get hurt. You shook your head, trying to think of a reason for the boy to stay. Then you had an idea, though, it was a pretty good reason for him to stay.
"Think of it this way, that berg, it's our only way to get to the Safe Haven. If I can't protect it then someone has to, and your the only other person here." You told him but he still seemed skeptical so you kneeled down next to him, putting a hand on the boys shoulder. The moment you did that, he came in and engulfed you in the tiniest hug.
"Please don't die." He whispered in your ear.
"Don't you trust me?" You laughed and he giggled as well.
"No." He said with a laugh as you released the boy and jumped into the Jeep, turning the key in the ignition and the engine rumbling to life. You shut the car door and looked out the open window to see Gage. He still looked worried.
"Hey, it's gonna be fine." You assured him. "Just protect that berg until I get back, okay?" Gage nodded and you nodded back, shifting the gear and driving away from the camp.
As you drove down the dirt road, you glanced in the mirror and watched as Gage and the camp got further away. You worried about the boy, but the camp was secluded, there was nothing to fear. All you had to do was get to the base.
You went back into your memories to the time you and Vince had discussed what to do about the base...

"So what should we do?" You asked Vince and he shrugged.
"This was your spot (Y/n), what do you think?" Vince asked in return and you thought about it. You looked to your left to see Newt, Thomas and Jorge. You knew they'd support your decision. You already knew what you thought but you'd rather hear their opinion then have yours shape theirs.
"Thomas? Newt? Jorge?"
"I think that this base it blocked off, I think if we chose one spot on the beach then we should be fine." Newt gave his opinion.
"I agree. As long as we don't plan to spread across the entire coast then it shouldn't be a problem." Thomas stepped up, voicing his opinion.
"Where exactly did your scouts say the base was hermano?" Jorge asked Vince and he thought about it for a second.
"Inland, about an hours drive south west." Vince answered.
"Alright, I think we should be fine. We set up camp here, seen as we don't have anywhere else to go." You told them, concluding the talk. You turned and exited the room quickly, taking a breath of the fresh salty air as it brushed through your hair.
"(Y/n)?" You heard a familiar British voice call and you turned to see Newt running up with Thomas following.
"Hey guys, how are you all doing?" You asked as they joined you to walk along the beach.
"Considering that it's only been two days since we lost Minho, we're doing good." Thomas said but then Newt spoke.
"We're more worried about you love." He said and you looked at him confused.
"It's just..." Thomas started. "You haven't spoken much since it all happened."
"I'm just overwhelmed."
"Understandable." Newt agreed, then wrapping his arm around your shoulders. "But we're here for you." Then Thomas joined in, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as well.
"I know." You sighed. "Do you guys think this WICKED base is something to worry about?"
"I wouldn't think too much about it." Newt answered. "Like Vince said, it's a ways away, we shouldn't stress over it unless we have to."
"We're close to the Safe Haven." Thomas spoke. "All we need is Minho and Aris and Sonya and then we'll get there. We'll all make it to the Safe Haven."

Thomas was right. You were going to make it to the Safe Haven, and there was no way WICKED was going to get in your way.

It had been around forty five minutes of driving and all you wanted to do was get out and move around. As everyone already knows, you weren't exactly one to just sit in one spot for a long period of time. The terrain hadn't changed from the desolate dead desert scorch that it was and a part of you thought that you had went the wrong way. Maybe it was south east, not west.
You were quickly distracted from your thoughts when you saw a medium sized building up ahead with spotlights pointing at it from every direction. It was hard to miss it, there were large tents scattered but most obviously, it was greener than you thought the world could manage. There were vines, bushes, and trees scattered all over the place, the vines completely covering the concrete building.
You drove the car up a mountain, hiding it behind some dead bushes so that you weren't as noticeable. You turned the engine off and stepped out of the vehicle, the moon beaming down on you and the stars glistening in the dark sky. You looked down at the small WICKED base and watched as people scurried. There weren't many guards but there were still guards with guns while you were only armed with your charming personality.
"Would you look at that." You said to yourself as you looked at the green covered building. "Looks like WICKED built their own little greenhouse down there. Congratulations WICKED, you may be a bunch of assholes who experiment and kill children, but at least your environmentally safe." You scoffed at your own comment.
WICKED in general just really knows how to make your blood boil. You took a deep breath looked over to your Jeep. You picked up the bag in the passengers seat and slung it over your shoulders. You took your hair out of the ponytail it was in and let it fall over your shoulders.
"Alright. Here we go." You told yourself as you slid down the mountain, heading down to the base you were about to steal from.

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