Part Five: The Safe Haven

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It had been a few hours and Newt leant against the railing of the top deck, the salty breeze brushing through his hair. It was a perfect day with a bright blue sky and not a single cloud in sight. The blondie closed his eyes and took a deep relaxing breath. It was a breath relieved of physical pain, but mentally he wasn't sure.
It may have been the flare messing with his brain, but he could have sworn he heard your voice calling his name. He knew he wasn't crazy, or was he? It was all still so confusing.
"I tried this before," Newt spoke to the beautiful blue ocean. "it didn't go so well and Aris pushed me into the water. I wanted to try again, maybe this time it will be easier." Newt said but then looked down to his feet in thought. He then looked out into the horizon, tears threatening to leave his eyes. "Oh, who am I kidding, this is always going to be hard, it'll never get easier. I guess this just makes me feel better in a sense, whether you can hear me or not.
I don't have the flare anymore, I think. I don't have any pain and the veins have gotten a lot better so maybe you were right about Teresa and her second chance. I feel like myself again in a way, like I can think for myself the way I used to. I guess that's why it was better I did this now than before." Newt said and then laughed, continuing. "I almost threw your brother off the boat, that was interesting. Tommy is doing okay I believe, I haven't seen him since the Right Arm camp but he's alive because of you. I guess so am I and Teresa. Thank you. I keep telling myself that I should have been the one to die, not you. I am forever going to tell myself that, but I am grateful for the sacrifice you made for both Tommy and Teresa. I'm sure they're grateful too.
Oh and you'll love this, I think Minho has a crush. I swear if you saw him blushing the way he was, you'd be making fun of him for sure. I think he misses you, he won't admit it to me but he does." Newt laughed and wiped away the tear that ran down his cheek. He then took a deep breath. "I can't express how much I miss you, you were the love of my life. Am I too young to say that? Maybe, but I just wanted to say that I loved you back. I wish I had told you when I could. I love you (Y/n), and I'm going to try and live the life you would have wanted me to live. And I'll say I love you to the stars every night, knowing your up there and your happy."
"That was sweet." Newt heard a voice say and he quickly turned to see a girl standing behind him.
"Harriet, you snuck up on me." Newt said, attempting to smile but the girl scoffed.
"Don't even try to smile, it's sadder to see the attempt then seeing you frown." Harriet told him and Newt laughed slightly. The girl walked over and leant against the railing of the boat like he was. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
"How's Aris?" Newt asked and the girl looked over to him.
"Aris? I'm not too worried about him, he'll be okay." Harriet told him. "I mean, he cared about (y/n) a lot, but it can't compare to how much you and your friends do."
"She cared about him too." Newt told her and the girl smile softly.
"I'm sure she did, all I know is that she took care of him when I wasn't there to. I didn't know her well, but she seemed like the kinda person who would do anything for anyone."
"She was." Newt said quickly. He was lost in thought over you. "How do you think they do it?"
"Do what?" Harriet asked confused.
"Minho is able to joke around, people are able to smile. I find it difficult to even speak." Newt told her and she nodded in understanding. "How can they act so normal?"
"That's the thing, they aren't." Harriet told him and that made him raise his head in question. "I mean, I saw that kid Gally crying earlier, and Minho, you know better then I do that he refuses to let anyone think he has human emotions." That comment made Newt laugh, then he thought about Minho.
"I haven't talked to him much, I should." Newt said but Harriet shook her head.
"You know what I think? I think you should talk to someone who isn't going to talk back, someone who'll listen. Talk to Thomas, last I checked he doesn't have much of a choice."
"I should go there anyway, see how he's doing." Newt said as he got up from the railing. He stopped and then turned to the girl. "Thanks."
"No problem blondie." She said and then the boy turned and walked away.

Minho was with Sonya and Frypan in the kitchen. He had a knife, it wasn't a good idea but they gave it to him anyway. He was attempting to cut up some cucumbers but failing miserably. Sonya looked at the boy in shock.
"I told you to cut the cucumbers into little sliced not squares!" The girl laughed and Minho flushed red with embarrassment.
"You did not make that very clear." He responded.
"What isn't clear about that?" Fry asked but Minho shrugged in response. "How does one even do that?"
"Okay the negative approach to my squarecumbers are not appreciated." Minho told them and Fry laughed, going back to what he was doing.
"Hey, what's that?" Sonya asked, squatting down and picking up something that had slipped from Minho'a pocket. She picked it up and stood tall again. She took a good look at the little Polaroid picture in her hand and smiled. She looked up to Minho but she didn't have time to react before the boy snatched it from her hand.
"I uhhh- um-" Minho stuttered. "I have to go." He then said, leaving the kitchen. Sonya looked over at Fry who sighed. She was about to follow after him but Fry stopped her.
"Let him go." He told her and she sighed, looking at the closed doors where Minho had left.

Minho was walking aimlessly. He didn't exactly know where he was going, he was just walking. He didn't even know he was subconsciously looking for Newt. He wanted to talk to him, Newt was still his best friend and the two had barely talked about anything. Not about their feelings, not about you. The last time Minho remembered talking to Newt was when the blondie gave him the picture. Minho didn't admit and it and he knew he'd never, but he did worry about Newt.
Minho stopped walking and glanced down at the picture in his hand and smiled. What he'd do to relive that moment with you again. Suddenly, someone bumped into Minho, almost knocking him over.
"Hey watch where your- Aris?"
"Oh, hey Minho." Aris said, putting his best smile, but it was obviously fake. "What are you doing?"
"What are you doing? You nearly took me down!" Minho asked and Aris laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.
"I don't know, just thinking."
"I'm gonna be honest." Minho said. "So was I."
"That's uh- that's a good picture of her. I can't remember the last time I saw her smile like that." Aris said, pointing at the small photo in his hand.
"Yeah, I miss her a lo- wait, why am I telling you this?" Minho said, pushing the kid to the side so he could walk forward.
"I donno, maybe cause you secretly want to talk about her?" Aris said and Minho stopped dead in his tracks and turned to face Aris.
"I don't know what your talking about you little runt." Minho told him but Aris shook his head with a laugh.
"If you didn't know what I was talking about, you would have kept walking." Aris said but Minho scoffed.
"I don't know what it is with you people from group B thinking you know who I am, but it's gotta stop." Minho told him but Aris shrugged.
"But it's true, right?"
"Maybe, but what's your point?" Minho said.
"I don't know, I just keep seeing people crying over her and getting mad. That's not how I want to think of (Y/n)." Aris told him and that made the gears in Minho's head turn.
He didn't realize it before, but Aris was right. All people had done when you came into mind was cry or get angry. Newt may not have gotten a choice but he was still angry. It's okay for people to cry, but he also saw where Aris was coming from. Minho was sure that when you died, you didn't want people to act like this. You would have wanted people to celebrate and laugh. Suddenly, a booming voice echoed through the massive ship.
This made Minho's heart leap. Land meant the Safe Haven. He made it. Newt made it. Thomas made it. The only person who didn't make it was... no. He was done thinking that way. Done always talking about you like you were some lost soul. You knew what you were doing when you saved Teresa, he knew that. You knew the risks, he knew that. You knew what could have happened but you still did it anyway. You were a hero and that was how Minho was going to think when you came to mind. But Minho knew that things were different with everyone else. This sparked an idea in his head. Minho spun around to face Aris and the boy jumped back slightly in shock.
"I have an idea." Minho told him.

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