Chapter 30: Love and Worry

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Author's POV

Y/N was walking through the hallways of the castle when she passed by her grandfather's chamber. She suddenly stopped when she heard two voices talking. She went closer to the doors and noticed that they weren't shut properly and she could hear them pretty well with her wolf ears.

"But, My King. We are still training her to use her powers and I would say she will be ready in those 3 days time before Daniel attacks and destroys the whole kingdom."   That sounded like it was Namjoon's voice.

"You don't understand, Namjoon. His goal is not to destroy the Underworld. He wants to conquer it. And to do that, he must kill each and every member of the royal family. Including me, and my granddaughter."   The King said with worry laced in his voice.

"Then, we'll be prepared. Like I said, we will not let him get the chance."

She heard grandpa sighed loudly. "I'm still worried. Y/N is too young. She is still new to all of this. I'm scared if Daniel uses her fear and weakness to his advantage. The whole kingdom will be in chaos if Daniel succeeds."

Y/N suddenly felt anger, disappointment...and betrayal. She pushed the door open and glared at them both back and forth.

"So you think I can't do this? That I'm unworthy?"   her hands were clenched tightly at the sides of her body.

"Granddaughter?"    the king furrowed his eyebrows seeing her standing there.

"Princess! How long have you been standing there?"    Namjoon took a few steps closer to Y/N.

"Long enough to know what you really think of me."    still glaring at them, she crossed her arms together at her chest.

"Granddaughter, it's not what you think-"    grandpa tried to touch her shoulders when Y/N said something causing him to stop at where he was standing.

"Then, what is? I've been living alone by myself for almost all of my life when suddenly I find out I'm related to a king? My parents were killed by that monster. I'm not gonna let some rogue tell me who I am and where I'm supposed to belong. I'm going to get my revenge whether you think I'm ready or not."

With that said, Y/N ran out of the chamber heading to who knows where.

"Princess, wait!"   Namjoon tried to stop her.

"Don't do something stupid, granddaughter!"    the king shouted loudly hoping that she would hear him and listen to him.

Namjoon looked at the king and bowed once.  "I'll go after her and make sure she's alright."    The king nodded and Namjoon immediately dashed out transforming into his wolf to sniff out the princess's scent.


I ran to where my feet were taking me. Then, I arrived in the lavender garden in the castle. I didn't sit at one of the benches this time. Instead, I walked to the lavenders and sat in the middle of it surrounding myself with the calming scent of my favorite flowers.

It's kind of a good place to be alone as I won't be seen by anyone in the sea of beautiful purple flowers. I hugged my knees and thought about what grandpa had said earlier. Maybe.....he was right.

I was still new to all of this. I overreacted and argued with him. I sighed. That was the last thing I wanted to do right now. I can't believe I burst in front of them like that. I got so angry thinking of the past.

Of my parents. My pack. My powers. Everything.

I hid my face between my knees as my eyes started filling up with tears. What should I do? Daniel was growing stronger over the past years and I'm......still me. I thought I was never gonna beat him in a condition like this.

I lifted my head a bit and wiped my teary eyes with the back of my hand.

Then, someone suddenly placed his hand on my shoulder. I flinched and looked up. I sighed in relief. It was just him. The love of my life. He was looking at me worriedly.

"You okay?"

How didn't I sense him before? Was I that deep in thought? I wasn't focusing well. I sadly smiled at him and he sat beside me while pulling me to lean on his chest. I inhaled his scent and instantly relaxed.

I could feel him taking in my scent as well. We both sat there for a couple of minutes in a comfortable silence.

"Namjoon hyung mind-linked me. He told me everything. And, he told us to find you and make sure you're okay. As I know exactly where you would go, I went straight to this place."   I felt him looking around.

I raised my head to look at his face.   "I'm in the flowers. You can see me?"

He looked into my eyes and chuckled.   "It's always easy for me to spot you, my love. So don't hide from me, okay?"   I slowly nodded and leaned on his chest again.

"They didn't mean it like that, love. Please don't misunderstand. They were worried for you. They care a lot about you and they, of course wanted to protect you. But grandpa knew, none of us can protect you from your own destiny."

"But.....what is, my destiny really? Is it killing Daniel...or becoming queen?"

"Don't worry a thing, love. You'll know eventually."   he pressed a long warm kiss on my forehead. That instantly made all of my worries wash away. I knew I was safe with him. No matter what the situation is.

I felt like I could take on anything with the boys on my side. 

And that's why, I can't let them down.


OH NAMJESUS!! It has been so long you guys! Did you miss me? I want to apologize to my readers for having to wait for so long for me to publish this chapter. But I promise you, Im doing my best to make time to continue this and not get any writer's block so often. (If you know, you know) And guess what? I finally have a name to call my readers (aka my So, since I changed my username, Im just gonna call you guys Angels. How does that sound? I know this was a little bit short a chapter. But hey, it's better than nothing, right? This is getting long now, so...see you in the next chapter. Toodles!

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