Chapter 1: Burnt Out

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"Your pride is what you're concerned about right now?!" I yelled, throwing clothes and my hygienic needs into a backpack. "Is 'you're right' really all you wanna hear right now?"

I looked over my shoulder, trying to see if anything I was saying was getting through to him. It didn't seem like it. There he was, just leaning against our bedroom door frame scrolling through something on his phone. Tears pricked at my eyes, annoyed that he didn't even care, and angry at myself for ever seeing anything in him.

"Well you're right." I looked back towards the bag, a few tears falling down my cheeks and falling on the clothes. "I should've walked away faster instead of staying in this toxic relationship for years. I should've known you would break my heart like you always do. I deserve better."

That seemed to catch his attention. He looked up from his phone, throwing it next to my bag on the bed.

"And who else would even bother looking at you?" he asked. "Who would even want a relationship with you?"

Dabi walked over to me, hovering right next to me. He put an arm around me, his hand barely grazing my side and traveling down. He stopped it at my waist, gently placing it down and pulling me against his warm body. More tears ran down my cheeks as I fought the urge to embrace him. I used the shirt I was holding to wipe my face, putting it in the backpack.

"I don't know, I said, pushing him away. "But there's still someone for me somewhere." I closed the lid of my bag, zipping it up and placing it on the ground.

"Someone?" Dabi repeated. "You already found someone else?"

I shook my head. "I haven't. Not yet, at least." I turned to him, making sure he was still listening. "But I will. And he will treat me so much better than you ever could. Seeing him with me, seeing how happy I'll be will make you wish you treated me better than you did."

"Really? And who would want someone like you? Who wouldn't mind the way you look, the way you dress, your all over the place personality? Who, other than me, wouldn't mind that?

"I don't know!" I yelled, finally losing control of my temper. "I don't know. I guess we can find out."

I grabbed the backpack, walking to the door and resting my hand on the doorknob. "Listen, Dabi. I love you. I love you so much. But I'm done."

I turned the knob, sure that nothing in the world could stop me.

But then I heard his voice. And that stopped me in my tracks.

"Fine then. Leave me. I can do better than an ugly cow."

I paused, processing his words and laughing. I fully opened the door, stepping out.

"That's funny," I said. "What makes you think you could do better when not even and ugly cow wants you?"

Not letting him respond to my comment, I slammed the door, getting out of the bar as fast as I could. I tried avoiding everyone, but sadly they were all in the main area. Some tried to stop me—mainly Toga and Kurogiri. The others in the room were concerned about me leaving, but none really made much of an effort to stop me.

Except for, like, one of Twice's personalities.

Ignoring their protests, I walked out of the bar. As I was walking down the street, it started pouring rain. I mentally cursed myself for not grabbing an umbrella on my way out. I continued walking, trying not to focus on the coldness of the rain drops.

I heard a door open, making a loud sound as it made contact with a wall. I turned my head, seeing that Dabi had stepped out into the rain, Toga peeking out the door behind him.

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