4. The Wolf

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surprise you're a skeleton hybrid. parts of your skin and flesh peel off your bone easily, and your arms take the most wear and tear, hence the bone arms


You adjusted the dog under your armpit carefully, making sure it didn't tear at any more of your rotting flesh. Your boney hand rapped on the spruce door, loud tapping sounds the only noise in the silence besides the muffling of a crackling fire.

Technoblad opened the door, one hand bookmarking a thick aged book, reading glasses slightly askew. While he maintained the same height on the battlefield, without his cape and crown, he was simply a more humanoid piglin creature, who dressed as if he ran a monarchy.

It made it easier to forget the terroristic actions he had made.

You grabbed the dog by the scruff, dangling him in front of the man.

"Tell your mutt," you emphasized. "That I am not it's chew toy." You held up your free arm, revealing slobber and faint indentations in the bone of your hand.

He chuckled, grabbing his dog from you and setting it gently on the floor.

"Sure. Come inside, your bones are freezing up." He pointed at your elbow joint, where canine saliva was crystalizing. You shook it off, grumbling and stepping inside the threshold.

"Stupid dog." You muttered. "Stupid Technoblade."


AHHHH it's out on time

I'm tired



mcyt/dsmp x gn reader (discontinued)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz