Kitsune Reader x Niki(?)

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correct me if I'm wrong or offensive if this is your culture. no asiaboos.

this is just to start us off I don't want to label anything rn I just want to write.

I saw another creator write this and found it interesting.

for reference you're 7'0"

You stood in your cave, examining the amethyst geode you had found. You eventually set on putting it in your 'precious' chest, in between the diamond and gold.

There was rapid knocking on your flimsy jungle wood door, hurried and urgent. You smooth out your six tails, shaking the dirt out of them, messing with your ears, before shutting the chest and heading to the door,
plastering an artificial large toothy grin across your face. You opened the door to come face to face with a woman and an elitrian.

You stared down at the man, before chuckling, covering your mouth with your hand.

"Well if it isn't the Angel of Death. What brings you to my humble abode, Philza Minecraft?"

The woman coughed into her fist.

"Oh silly me. Greetings stranger. Please, come inside." You knelt down, curtsying to grab her hand and planting a gentle kiss, looking up at her with a toothy smile. You gestured the both of them inside, speaking again.

"You can explain why you've come to bother me while I make some tea Do you drink tea?" You looked at the two. They nodded, the pink haired gesturing to the man with large black wings.

You steeped some camomile tea while Phil started, speaking of a syndicate set on anarchy and destroying government and power. He then spoke of a dictator as you fished out the flowers and handed two earth colored mugs to the individuals seated at your breakfast table. The warm liquid was a golden color, smelling of flowers.

"Dream's now in prison and the Warden trapped Techno in. This is where we hope you can come in."

The pink haired woman look puzzled."Why did you bring me again?" She whispered to Philza, your sensitive ears picking up on the conversation. "To convince them, trust me." He muttered back. You rubbed one of your sharp teethe with your fingers.

"So you're saying you want me to go in the prison and get your friend Technoblade out? Will that be all?" You set your head on your hands, tails flicking around behind you in your stool.

"Not quite." He scratched at the small facial hair on his chin. "We'd like you to join the syndicate. Move to the SMP."

"What's in it for me?" You asked out of courtesy. Your tails whipped slightly faster, wagging back and forth in anticipation.

"Well, what do you have in mind?" Phil chuckled. The woman just stared at your now rapidly wagging tails, hitting your back several times in rapid succession.

"Anything shiny?" You asked the woman. "Or...livestock?" You licked your lips. She looked like she was starting to regret coming with Philza.

A long silence settled over the three of you, sat at a small rickety old wooden table. The table had clearly stood the test of time, and showed clear signs of scratches and burns.

When no one said anything, you groaned. You decided to offer one last proposition.

"Secrets. Give me secrets. Then you will help me move. Then you," You pointed at Phil. "will be in debt to me once." You stated, annoyed, crossing your arms. "Deal!" Philza brightened, before immediately deflating. You sighed again in exasperation, pinching the bridge of your nose. "You." You pointed at the woman. "Tell." you beckoned her with a pointed claw.

She cautiously scooted over, hesitantly whispering in your ear. You nodded, giving her a small smile. "I'd like your name as well please."

She looked stunned for a moment before talking.

"It's Niki. You?"

"Y/n. But that old bastard already told you." You turned to Phil, teasing.

"Hey! I'll have you know I'm younger than you." He smiled at you. He then turned to whisper to you.

"The woman I referred to back in the day is Death." Your grin widened, teeth sharp in the lantern light.

"Great! Now that everything's settled, shoo shoo. I have some packing to do." You shot up, making shooing motions with your hands. "Out."

They got up, making their way towards the door. Philza squeezed his wings through, and just about Niki was about to leave, you called out.


She turned back, surprised. "Orange sea glass." You gave her the piece of orange sea glass, pressing it into the small palm of her hand. Then you ushered her out, shutting the door gently.

She looked at the glass. Then back up at Phil. Phil smiled.

"They've taken a liking to you. They never give gifts."

"Really? That's...nice." She stared at the smooth piece of sea glass, turning it over before tucking it in her pocket.

"I hope we'll meet again soon."

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