Revived Reader + Tommy Ain't It

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fuck my stupid course I'm avoiding the mass amount of homework I have due right now writing this

some kind of fluff idk

sibling time

you're taller than Tommy now I guess

he's kind of OOC but I don't really care because I have to finish this to do my homework


cw/tw: description of death, mention of suicide


It's so empty.

"Wilbur? Mexican Dream? Schlatt?" I stop, setting the large torch on an empty bracket-supported metal shelf. "Fuck, I'm calling for Schlatt of all people." My throat hurts from calling out once.

From what I can tell, Wilbur and Mexican Dream have left. Schlatt's sleeping somewhere and I can't find him. I can't bear to be so lonely. This stupid 'haunted' victorian mansion sucks for limbo. I've been stuck in this hell of an afterlife for almost three decades, though it doesn't look like it. All I have is a large chunk of white in my hair. There are endless hallways and the only time I'd find someone is if Wilbur wanted to play solitaire again or Schlatt wanted a drinking buddy and someone to make fun of. Occasionally Mexican Dream would come crying to me, speaking in rapid mixed spanish and english while bawling his eyes out. Poor him, keeps begging for his girlfriend back.

Tommy came back once according to Wilbur. Sometimes I could hear his yelling for me and crying echoing through the hallways. I wanted so badly to go and comfort him, to give him a shoulder to cry on, to let him know I was there. I couldn't find him before he left me again and about drowned myself in alcohol with Schlatt that month. Wilbur kept calling me soft but patting my back.

At least then I had people to talk to. Now it's all vacant.

God I hate it here.

I don't know why I haven't left yet. All I did was commit a massacre, it wasn't that much compared to Wilbur blowing up l'manburg. And he received a death that could be considered falling asleep compared to mine. I got chopped apart after attempting suicide and then those fuckers let me float in the swamp and bleed out. Now I have weird-ass stitches holding my limbs and body together. I feel like collapsing half the time and falling apart like a wooden doll.

Someone's coming. I grab the torch and start running towards the noise of footsteps. It's...


The man I least wanted to see or expected. The look of hope on my face fades, replaced with a glare. I grab the fabric of his hood and yank it towards my torch, ready to set him ablaze.

Before I can speak with my barely functioning vocal cords, he's dragging me out of the hall dizzyingly quick. I'm being shoved into the front seat of a car and I don't have my torch anymore, and the car moves so fast it somehow snaps my head back that was already against the headrest. I feel like my head is about to come off the stitches that hold it to my neck. I grip the armrests until my knuckles turn a significantly lighter color than it was originally. I barely manage to turn to look at Dream, whose hand is on the steering wheel. His gaze is locked forward and his leg is pushing so hard on the gas pedal that I think it might break. I feel my stomach lurch and I want to puke.

Out of nowhere, he slams on the breaks and my body rocks forward without warning. My face slams into an airbag and my vision goes white.

Suddenly I'm standing. Aaaaand I'm bent over vomiting my guts out. I haven't even eaten, is that all stomach acid? I wipe my lips before standing up straight.

I glance at the chat logs. It announced that I joined the server. Could it be?

The damage Wilbur did to L'manburg is crazy. I only ever heard about how much it was destroyed by Wilbur himself, but this is on the next level. It's all covered in glass as well. Someone gasps and inhales shakily behind me. I turn around.

It's Tommy.

"Tommy?" My voice is hoarse. It hurts to talk. Hot tears are coming down my face.

Before I can attempt to say anything else, he hugs me. Really tightly. I can barely breathe and I think my stitches will snap. I hug him back before speaking.

"Tommy please loosen up you're going to take me apart" I barely manage with my limited lung capacity. He obliges, loosening by a fraction. I pat the back of his head and shove my head into his fluffy hair, inhaling. He smells of clean laundry and slight rotting flesh. That's currently how I smell, of the undead.

"I'm so glad you're back." He sniffs, voice cracking. "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too. I've missed you so much it hurts."

"You won't leave me again, will you?" He looked up at me, tears welling in his eyes.

"Never again." I smiled, wiping my face. My throat hurts right now so much from just saying a few sentences, but he doesn't need to know that.

"I love you, so much. And I'll repeat it until my throat bleeds."


idk obsessive older sibling type vibes

I'll go try to work now



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