Chapter 12 : Who is Hope?

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Hope's pov.

As soon as I walked out the door, my heart felt like it was being ripped in two. I let out a cry of pain. I know this pain, my dad described it as the pain one feels when they lose their mate. I dropped to my knees in agony. I felt like I was dying, but I knew that the Cullens were going to be back from hunting soon, so I stood up with all my strength and ran. I cried as I ran through the woods and to the nearest bus station. I need to get as far away from Forks as possible as fast as possible. But, as I got further and further away from Jasper, the pain only got worse. When I made it to the bus station, I collapsed on the bench and cried. I ended up passing out from the pain. I was woken up by a loud crash. When I opened my eyes, I saw a bus on its side. And next to it, a monster. A huge monster. At fist I thought it was a troll but then I lit its hair on fire and confirmed it to be a cyclops. "Oh crap." I said. I fought it as best I could. I managed to wound it but it also wounded me. It threw me into the tree line where I got impaled on a sharp tree branch. I was stuck on the tree, a piece of wood going through my stomach. I was losing blood, fast. I was in the wolves territory. Carlisle wouldn't find me. I was going to die here. I felt blood start to pool in my mouth. I passed out from the pain.

Carlisle's pov.

When we got back to the house from our hunting trip, Hope was nowhere to be found. I found Jasper crying out in pain while clutching his chest in his and Hope's room. "Jasper, where is Hope?" Edward asked. He just gasped for unneeded air. I knew what this was. Hope left. "I-I don't know who that is. What is happening to me?" He cried out. "Carlisle, I found something." Emmett said, pointing at a piece of paper that was on the floor next
to Jasper. He went to pick it up but Alice stopped him. "Don't touch it!" Alice said in panic. "What? Why?" Rosalie asked. "She spelled it. If you touch it, it'll erase your memories of Hope." Alice said. I sped into my office and grabbed a glove. I ran back and picked up the paper with the glove. It was a letter. I read it out loud. At the bottom of the paper, there was something written in ancient Latin. I was guessing that is what erased would your memories. "It's a dark object. Witches create them to have more power." I said. "She left us? She created an object that would make us forget she existed? Why would she do that?" Rosalie asked. "To protect us." Edward said. "She's protecting us? She erased herself from Jasper's memories. He doesn't know who she is anymore! How is that protecting us?" Emmett asked. "He's in pain! Carlisle, do something." Alice said desperately. "There's nothing I can do. He's feeling the pain of losing his mate. He'll be like this for a long time." I sighed. Alice gasped, being pulled into a vision. "Alice, what is it?" Bella asked. "Hope, she's hurt. She's going to die. Something attacked her. It was huge and ugly. It flipped a bus on its side." She said. "Where? Where is she?" Rosalie asked, hating seeing Jasper in so much pain. Suddenly the phone started ringing. It
Was Jacob. I picked up the phone.

(J = Jacob, C = Carlisle)

C: Hello?

J: Carlisle, we found Hope on our land. She's severely hurt.

C: What happened?

J: Well, we found her stuck to a tree, impaled though the stomach by a thick,
Sharp branch.

C: How bad is she bleeding!

J: It's bad. She's choking on her own blood.

C: What color is the blood?

J: It's starting to turn black. We're giving you permission to come into our land. You need to help her. We don't know what to do.

C: I'm on my way.

J: Bring Jasper with you. She keeps trying to ask for him but ends up choking on her blood.

C: I will. We'll be there soon.

I hung up the phone.

"Jasper, Jasper. You need to calm down." Alice tried to help him. "We're all going to La Push. The wolves found Hope severely injured. They're giving us permission to go on their land so I can help her." I said. "He can't run like this." Edward said. "I'll drive him there." Alice said. "Go to Sam and Emily's house. That's were she is." I said. Alice got Jasper into her car and started driving towards La Push, The rest of us ran there. When we arrived, we could smell a large amount of blood from over a mile away. Sam let us in when we arrived. The smell of her blood wasn't tempting to us, however, there was so much of it. Jacob was by her side putting pressure on the wound. The wolves were sitting and standing around the room with worried looks on their faces. "Why isn't her wolf healing kicking in?" Embry asked. Hope opened her mouth trying to say something but was cut short from the blood pooling in her mouth. "She was fighting a cyclops. It's blood is toxic and she ingested some of if when fighting it. It's suppressing the healing process." We looked at him confused. "How do you know?" Emmett asked. "She let me into her thoughts. She wants us to let her bleed it out through her wounds." Edward said. "She'll die before that happens." Alice said. "I've seen it." She continued. "It might be the only way to save her." I said. "You can't be serious? She's dying. She's losing too much blood. Carlisle, there has to be another way." Jacob said. "Change her." Sam said suddenly. "It won't do anything. She already has vampire genes from her father." Edward said. "All it would do is cause her more pain." I finished for him. "Where's Jasper?" Rosalie asked. "He's in the car." Alice said. "You drove? Why? What's wrong with him?" Jacob asked. "He's in tremendous pain from the mate bond he shares with Hope straining. When she left and erased his memories of her, he began to feel the loss of his mate. He had already found her, so losing her would break him. And eventually, kill him and her." I said. "Maybe if he sees her, he'll remember her and the pain will stop." Bella said. "We can try it. But I'm not certain it will work." I said. "Go get him, Alice." Edward said to her. Alice walked out of the house and returned a few moments later with Jasper leaning against her in pain and physical and emotional torment. The sight of him in his current condition worried all of us.

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