Chapter 8: Memories Shared pt.2

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When the memory ended, Hope exited their minds for the second time. "That was a lot of power. I could feel it in just the memory itself." Carlisle said. Jasper looked at Hope. He could see the tortured and sad look in her eyes. Without saying a word, a walked up to Hope and pulled her into a hug. She froze for a moment before wrapping her arms around him and burying her face into his chest, letting quiet sobs escape her mouth. The Cullens looked at the pair in aww and pity. Hope had been through way too much in her short life and the sight of her unknown mate comforting her was heart warming. She was so open with Jasper and they could see that wasn't how things normally were with her. They saw the impenetrable walls she built around herself fall and watched as she let herself be vulnerable in front of them. She had grown to trust and care for them so quickly. She had grown to love Jasper and she wasn't afraid to let herself be vulnerable in front of him and his family. It was a beautiful sight. Jasper was grateful and so happy that she felt comfortable and safe enough to let her incredibly thick and impenetrable walls down in front of him. She put her trust in him, and he wasn't going to break in nor do anything to make her regret it. He loved her. And she wouldn't admit to it yet, but she loved him just as much.

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