Cнаpтёя Єїgнтёёп

Start from the beginning

"Aliyah, go change were going somewhere," Kaz orders.

I get up and my head spins. I got up a little to fast. I drift off to my room, I was barely walking straight.

I giggled to myself. I went to my closet and pulled out my cargo pants. I got a plain black T-shirt. I already showered before Tyrone, so I was squeaky clean.

I changed my clothes and come back out. Tyrone was gone and Kaz was just waiting for me. I noticed the cocaine was gone.

"Was it yours?"

"It was, most definitely."


We got out the SUV and was infront of a trap house. Niggas got up and started to get their guns. Kazimir simply ignored them.

Kaz's guard had their guns as well. He walked through the measly gate. One guy with tats all over his face came up to Kaz.

"Who the fuck is you nigga?"

"I'm looking for Bulldog," he answers.

"Who's asking?"

"The air," Kaz jokes.

I laugh a little and cover it up quickly. The guy scowls and kisses his teeth. Kaz didn't hide his smirk, he just looked down at the guy.

"Someone get Bulldog out here," he shouts.

He looks Kazimir up and down. A guy goes in and comes out a second later. Everyone was on point. The door opens a big burly nigga comes out.

"Who's asking for me?"

He looks at Kazimir. He keeps an annoyed expression. Kazimir gets the cocaine out and waves it in the air.

"What the fuck am I looking at?"

"The cocaine your selling is mine," he says

"The shit I'm selling aint yours."

"You think Jorge just gets high grade shit over one night?"

Bulldog pauses and thinks about it.

"That's what I thought, the shit your selling belongs to me. I will let you keep my product and even continue supplying you if you get me the whereabouts of Jorge," he bargains.

"Nah, I aint buying your bullshit," Bulldog scoffs.

"Get the fuck outta here," tats said.

"Mhm, I'm offering you much better than him. I'm more reliable."

He gets his gun and pulls it back loading it. Kaz's men do the same and so do the they. A whole shoot out mid day.

"Do you have to pull the guns?" I said.

"Bitch nobody talking to you," someone shouts.

"You know where's that Tyrone or T-bone nigga?" I ask.

"He ain't here," tats screws.

"Maybe you should find him first before you do anything. Wouldn't want his head to get chipped off would you?"

I stood my ground and waited for him to realize what I was saying. I smiled at him.

"That's what I thought. You want Tyrone, we want Jorge's drop off guy. Easy a slice of cake right?"

"How are we supposed to contact to you?" Bulldog questions.

"I will come to you, you have seventy two hours. It was nice meeting you boys."

"What if we can't get to the supplier?" Tats questions.

"That's a bit stupid for a person like you to ask me don't ya think?"

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