Everything Yellow? For Real?

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Because everything––everything, everything, everything, everything, everything––was covered in yellow.

" Everything? For Real?" Asked Taye.

"Yes! Everything for real outside was yellow

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"Yes! Everything for real outside was yellow. The grass was yellow. The trees were yellow. The sky was yellow. The flowers were yellow. The swimming pool was yellow. The house was yellow. The roof of my studio was yellow. George the Iguana was yellow. Everybody and everything were yellow.

"How could that happen?" said Taye.

"I don't know! I started to wonder what could be causing all the yellow." Mama said.

"What could be?" asked Taye.

"I don't know, yet! But I will try to solve this mistery!"

"Mama, even you were yellow?" Taye said.

"No," said Mama, "I wasn't yellow because I had been inside the studio. It seemed like

only everything outside was yellow. But then, I looked at my clothes, and they were starting to be yellow, too!"

"Your clothes?"

"Yes, Taye, I looked at my feet and they were already a little bit yellow! And then my arms were a little bit yellow! And then I wondered... What's happening?"

"What could be happening?"

"Then I thought I figured it out. I looked at the giant tree next door, which was in full bloom. It

looked beautiful but it was full of yellow pollen and . . ."

"What's pollen?" said Taye.

"Pollen is like a powder that plants and trees make" said Mama.

"Is that the stuff that makes me sneeze sometimes?" said Taye

"Yes, Taye, that's right," said Mama, "and this time, all the yellow pollen coming from

the tree was blowing right toward us because of the strong breeze that was blowing. It was covering everything."


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When Everything was YellowWhere stories live. Discover now