7. Hallows Eve Preparations - Caranthir x Reader

Start from the beginning

"When will your brothers be joining us?" You asked him softly as you began to usher him to sit in the chair Míron had been in so you could paint his face with the same silver paint you were wearing. Caranthir sighed at the sight, but relented, trusting that you wouldn't make him look so ridiculous.

"It would appear we will be joining them in the village. They've gone off ahead without us." Caranthir didn't know if this brought on more or less anxiety, it was less time to be picked on about his costume. But if they started drinking before him... Well then Celegorm would be apt to find something wrong with his outfit shamelessly in front of the humans.

"What have they gone as?" You asked him curiously as you began to apply the silver paint on his face in a sweeping motion, choosing to do a bright silver crescent of Ithil on his face.

"Celegorm has gone as Orome... I know not what Curufin is. I wouldn't doubt if he chose not to participate." You looked away for a moment, noticing the way he tensely gripped the arm of the chair. Knowing that his anxiety was getting the better of him,

"Well it is his loss... And don't worry about how you're dressing up, meleth nin. If your brothers have something to say I will simply sick little Tulkas on them. He is feeling... fighty." You couldn't help but snicker at your own words, leaving Caranthir to let out a soft chuckle.

"Yes I am surprised I was not punched upon arrival." He said raising his brows, feeling the wet paint glide across the side of his face. You laughed at his words, quickly removing your paint brush to steal a kiss from the paint free side of his face.

"Mm that would be because I told little Tulkas a bed time would be enacted if he did. I told him to save his strength for uncle Celegorm." In the background you and Caranthir could hear Míron singing loudly and excitedly about being able to go to a festival. Leaving you both to chuckle as you tried to focus on painting his face filling in the empty space now that the moon was outlined.

A comfortable silence between the two of you fell over you for a moment, Míron was still singing in the background, voice growing closer as he came from the other part of your room. His shirt on hastily and crooked but at least his pants were on correctly this time and with his little boots to match.

"Why must I wear a shirt Odhril!? You said Tulkas was shirtless!" You stood from your hunched position finished with Caranthirs face and washing the brush. The Lord of Thargelion took it as his cue to stand from his spot at the chair and to move to the changing screen where black robes hung behind it.

"Because it is cold outside even for you. I am sure if Tulkas were here he'd put on a shirt too." You chuckled out to him as you approached to straighten his shirt, hoping to reason with your elfling.

"I bet Uncle Celegorm isn't wearing a shirt." He pouted as you laughed again, beginning to tuck his shirt into his trousers. Pressing a kiss to his little forehead at his words.

"Mm and Uncle Celegorm will be trying to steal your Ada's overcoat before the night is over. You'll see." You assured him, knowing that Míron was more than likely correct. You only heard Caranthir scoff behind the screen,

"And he shan't get it, for the fool is shirtless." He grumbled under his breath leaving you to snicker at Caranthirs words. You only continued to fuss over Míron's shirt as he began to sing again, the little elfling letting you do so. After a moment Caranthir walked from behind the screen and Míron was the first to see him, with a big gasp.

"Ada!! You look beautiful!!!" He said in a giddy voice, pulling from you to run over to him, Caranthir merely smiled softly as he reached down to pick him back up. Though the little boy only wiggled and squirmed to be put back down.

"No Ada! I should carry you since I am so strong!" Míron exclaimed,

"You are Tulkas not Tilion." You chuckled out at Míron's words, folding your arms over your chest as you watched him flop right out of Caranthir's arms. Going to his leg to try and lift him.

"Then I want to be Tilion! He must be stronger than Tulkas!" The little elfling exclaimed releasing Caranthir's leg with a pout,

"Mm Míron Tulkas is stronger, it is just that you are not as large as Tulkas yet." Caranthir assured him with a soft smile still on his lips. The little one sighed out in defeat at his Ada's words folding his arms over his chest,

"But one day you will be, I am sure of it." He mused softly to Míron which seemed to cheer him up some as the pout left his lips. You smiled at the scene and moving to approach and reaching your hand out to grab Míron's.

"Are we all ready?" You asked, your husband smartly nodding his head as Míron excitedly screamed out a yes. With that you both were ushered to the door by a giddy little elfling, ready to celebrate Hallow's Eve.

Tolkien Elves Halloween WorksWhere stories live. Discover now