Chapter Five.

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Nathan woke up to the sun shining. He left his room and looked around. "Hello?" He called out. No response. He got a little disappointed that he was alone in the house, especially on his birthday.

He heard his phone go off from his bedroom. He walked back in there and read the notification. It was a text from Tom.

From: Tom
I need you to come in to work today

Nathan sighed. He was alone AND had to work, on his day.

He took off the clothes he was wearing and replaced them with his uniform and apron. (He had been wearing Jay's clothes.)

He walked into the café, and noticed banners above the windows, with "happy birthday" written on them.

He saw Tom standing at the counter. "You like?"

"Banners, really, Tom? Take them down! They're too feminine. We'll loose customers."

The bell of the door was opened and two guys walked in, Nathan noticed them immediately, it was Jay's roommates.

"Oh, Tom meet Max and Siva. Max and Siva, meet Tom." Nathan introduces.

"Hi." Tom waves, pretending he didn't know who the boys were. "Well." Tom starts again, "I- I have to go, see ya later Nath."

Nathan was confused. Why was he being ditched by his best friend?

Siva finally spoke up, after watching the interaction. "We'll have two strawberry milkshakes please."

Nathan agreed and went back into the kitchen. Something was off today. But he didn't exactly know what. Little did he know, what the rest of the day would bring.

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